British Comedy Guide

Newsjack salon de refuse: voxpops

Okay, we can stop kidding ourselves, we know which of us have been allowed through the Beeb's hallowed portals this week (and I hope they realise just how much we all hate them), so I thought I would create a salon de refuse (sic) for those efforts that failed to get by the Newsjack hanging committee. After all they will be as stale as a GWR sandwich by this time next week, so we have no other use for them.

I will start the ball rolling, but if any of you has any rejected voxpops they are willing to own up to, please feel free to add them below. (If people are up for it, I'll start another thread for corrections)

Rejected voxpops

Well, I think it is outrageous. My MP claimed for thousands, but his receipts just consisted of black ink. You can buy a whole bottle of the stuff for two fifty-nine in Smiths.

Listen mate, if I got three screaming kids in the car, I'm going to bleeding smoke. Little sods. (WHINEY IMITATION OF CHILD'S VOICE) "I can't breathe Daddy", "Daddy I think I'm going to be sick", "Daddy the upholstery's on fire".

He whopped that fly's ass! But that's Obama for you. You'd not see Gordon Brown do something like that. Not got the depth perception.

I preferred the Obama one out of the three.

I like them all. The depth perception one is fab -- made me LOL!

Mine below (with one correction)

New speaker for the House of Commons? Well, I'm no expert but in a room that size, I wouldn't go for anything less that 500 Watt with a subwoofer that makes the floor shake. That'd wake 'em up!

As a nationalist, I've been extremely tolerant of our namby-pamby liberal ways, but this is truly the final straw! It was our last stand of true Britishness! Everything Britain should stand for and be! And now, finding out that The Stig is a German – it's a bloomin' disgrace! (BEAT) I might leave the country...

Last week, we erroneously attributed the quote 'How d'you like them apples?!' to Alistair Darling addressing the nation on live television. After looking further into the matter, it appears this quote was from Ben Jones of Slough, who is a greengrocer.


OK then, a couple of rejected Vox Pops:

I hope all the Ghurkhas decide to live in the north-west. A bunch of foreigners who've risked their lives for this country and could kill you bare-handed might just silence some of those BNP-voting racists up there.

What concerns me is the number of people the police seem to be tazering these days. All those thousands of volts of electricity. Has nobody considered what that's doing to their carbon footprint?

Second one's good. First one is a bit 'columnist' rather than an actual joke!


Quote: Afinkawan @ June 26 2009, 1:55 PM BST

OK then, a couple of rejected Vox Pops:

The tazer one is very good.

I also like Dan's speaker one.

In deference to Aaron's request to keep down the number of Newsjack tagged threads, I'll post my 'corrections' here as well:

In our coverage of the unsuccessful attempt to deselect Hazel Blears as a parliamentary candidate, we should of course have said that she was the MP for Salford. Not Hobbiton.

We would like to apologise for having introduced the item on NASA's plans to send an unmanned spacecraft to the Moon, by saying, "They're going there for real this time."

In reporting the death of veteran Hollywood actor David Carradine, we should of course have said that he starred in the TV series, "Kung Fu". Not "Feng Shui".

I like the third one. The second one, though not stand-out, I can imagine them using.


Timbo: Obama

Dan: Speaker

Afinkawan: Taser

Timbo (correction): Moon.

Of which my my favourite was: Moon.

Good stuff there - competitive innit?

Cheers, Badge - loved your Thatcher correction.

Woo! I got one broadcast. Here's the others in my (unwitting) rule-breaking set of seven:

Pig flu is going around Glastonbury now. Man, people are rolling around in the mud and snorting lots. (REALISATION) Hey, I must get pig flu *every* year…

I'm glad cod stocks are up 5%. Eating hump back whale with my chips was costing me a fortune!

Moonshine vodka responsible for over half Russian deaths. I must admit it's relief it's not many tonnes of polonium I keep hidden in potato fields.

So, having sex every day improves sperm quality and boosts the chances of getting pregnant. Do you know how hard this has been to keep from my husband? I even had to burn down a news kiosk down in the town centre!

I don't know what all the fuss is about with Silvio Berlusconi paying a call girl travel expenses. I once did it. It was only a bus fare! Not like it was a return or anything…

I hear that South African that eye-gouged one of the British and Irish Lions has been banned for eight weeks. Well, good. That's one in the eye for him!


Call-girl one is my favourite there Dan, I imagined it in more of a pathetic voice intially before I saw your direction.Jack The Lad probably captures the mundane sleaziness of the scenario a little better there. So nice choice.

May as well stick mine up here, these three are from this week.

Nah, the Queen don't deserve a pay-rise. In-fact she costs a bit much as it is, don't she. Can't we outsource her to India? There's this bloke who works the phones for British Airways, Ranjeet, he's very well-spoken.

I don't know about Cameron wanting to make cuts to public spending. It could be dangerous! I remember once, I were on this bus. If we were under a Tory Government at the time the roads would have been in bad condition, there would have been more congestion and people would be hopelessly milling about the streets, wandering out in-front of us, in a half-hearted bid to end their misery as the government has abandoned them to a life of abject failure. We'd never have been able to keep that bus over 80 kilometres per hour to avoid exploding…oh hang on, that were the film 'Speed'.

Thank the lord Maggie Thatcher's left the hospital and is safely back home. The tight cow cancelled her milk; I'd been stealing hers since she stole mine in the early seventies. Oh…if you see her could you ask her to switch to semi-skimmed?

And as I'm here, ones I sent in two weeks ago:

Broadband in every home?! Rapid fire access to innumerable images of base and degrading pornographic acts performed by all shapes, sizes and species? It's another example of Labour 'tossing-off' policies.

Of course this Iraq inquiry shoulden't be held behind closed doors! It's been a lovely summer so-far and it'd be a shame for them to waste it. If they must do it in privacy why dosen't one of them host a barbeque. That may help with their inquiry, the smell of flammable substances and burning will certainly evoke that Iraqi amosphere.

The reason men are more at risk to cancer than women is not due to us men being less aware of the health risks of various caricnogenic activities. Oh no. It's because we're superior to women, and as I understand it, being superior requires some exposure to radioactive material. That's why superheros can fly and that's why men are better at mowing the lawn than women. Radioactive exposure. I wish I was a woman, then I woulden't have had to spend a fortune on plutonium and maybe I could afford to waste my time shopping for a fancy pair of shoes.

These cabinet ministers who've resigned just because Gordon Brown is struggling should be ashamed of themselves . They should give him support, not abandon him. People did the same thing wih Marilyn Monroe. And what happened then? That's right, we lost the magnificent beauty of a glamorous sexual icon…it looks like history is repeating itself.

I voted for UKIP. I don't want a bunch of European bureacrats dictating how us Brits have to behave. I have enough trouble with Garcon, my French sock puppet who orders me to cycle about the patiserries, in my beret, finding attractive women to breathe my wine-soaked breath on in a hot-blooded and seductive fashion. Isn't that right Garcon? (French Accent) Oui .Ooh la la, pardonnez-moi mademoiselle! (Back to English)Sorry, gotta go, he's spotted someone. Bloody Europeans, can't control themselves.

Some good ones there :) The 'behind closed doors/barbecue' one is very clever (probably needs tightening up though) but the man/woman one is very funny (however politically incorrect it may seem). Nice one!


My edit: Posted corrections when post said 'vox pops'. Sorry.

Quote: Yacob Wingnut @ July 3 2009, 10:14 AM BST

We apologize last week for not being completely sincere in one of our apologies last week. (SARCASTIC) We'll never to do that again.

Hey Yacob

That one got recorded. Miles did it. Wasn't broadcast though -- sorry!


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