British Comedy Guide

Difficulty with writing Page 2

Quote: Norm @ June 23 2009, 9:34 PM BST

We have an Avon Man... and he aint very attractive...

But I suppose... I'll have to bum him................ for comedy!


Quote: Norm @ June 22 2009, 11:13 PM BST

I've been working pretty hard on stand-up the past few days and posted some of my stuff in the critique forum. I have this one story and I am really struggling on figuring out how I'm going to go about locating the gags and exploiting them. I'll say the story.. and see what you guys think... I'm suffering epic writers block.

Last week.. I was erm.. "alone" with my computer in my room.. completely starkers with the door locked. I was watching some "videos" and doing as all young lads do when bored... I heard a noise and completely ignored it.. five minutes later I looked up to see it was the window cleaner (i'm on a top floor) was outside looking in.. half laughing, half disgusted... I walked over and closed the curtains and was crying with laughter as I did it.

This is writers gold... and yet I can only figure out my closing gag...

"strange thing is that I've had my windows cleaned six times this week...."

Any advice?

So...let's get this straight. You were masturbating (naked) to porn (why were you naked? Surely a loosening of the trouser is sufficient?) when you noticed your window cleaner watching you with a wry grin. So instead of fleeing the scene in abject shame, you begin to literally weep with mirth, before drawing the curtains and presumably continuing with your fiddle solo.

I don't know whether to be disturbed or awed, sir. Either way, I'd suggest forgettng the comedy aspect unless you're intending to write Confessions Of A Window Cleaner 2. Which admittedly could be a classic. By any chance did you later have sex with a washing machine repair man in a big soapy puddle on the kitchen floor?

I didn't continue with my solo.... kind of lost the impetus..

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