Teenage boy, Mum, Dad and [slightly confused] Grandmother sit watching TV.
BOY: What's your favourite song from a movie, Mum?
MUM: Oh, let me see, I really like "The Hills are Alive" from The Sound of Music. What's yours?
BOY: Can't really decide but it would have to be something from Tenacious D, I think.
DAD: That's rubbish! You can't beat a bit of Shirley Bassey singing "Diamonds are Forever".
GRANDMOTHER: I like that "Armageddon" one....
BOY: Hey Nan, that's really cool! You mean Aerosmith from Apollo 13?
GRANDMOTHER: Erm, no, it's from My Fair Lady I goes [SINGS} "Armageddon married in the morning, ding-dong the bells are gonna chime"