Mikey Jackson
Monday 22nd June 2009 12:58am [Edited]
Worthing, West Sussex
2,808 posts
Ah! Even I've heard of that!
You've probably seen the banner at the top of this site whilst browsing the forum. 
My missus is going to publish on Lulu soon. She Has almost finished a non-fiction book about being a child of a few decades ago and pointing out how different life was back then whilst growing up; not just the (lack of ) technology - Lifestyles, people's views on things, pre-political correctness, the rarity of people having even a home phone, etc.
And then, after that, she's planning to publish a book of her poetry.
Of course, she's not looking to be a best selling author. The growing up book is just a "record" of part of her life that she'll buy up a few copies of and leave for her children, grand children, etc in years to come.
But I think I'd rather chance my luck with the might of conventional publishers with the novel I'm working on.
Can't say what it's about, but I can say it hasn't been done before. Honestly, it hasn't.