This the first cut of something I wrote. The director and I weren't allow to shoot the first version I wrote, but this what we came up with...
A very short film
Great script, great performances, great direction.
LOVE it!
Cheers Danny. I think the original idea would have worked better, but we couldn't use the props we wanted.
Alexander Perkins is a brilliant comedy actor.
Very good, although I guessed the end because of the Director's opening ambiguity. But well-shot, acted, and the dialogue is great.
I enjoyed this. Agree with Slag a little about the ending. But still great.
Yeah I liked it. Kind of guessed where it was going early on but I enjoyed the ride.
Slowly pulling up his pants
Cheers everyone.
Yeah, in the original script he was suicidal and had a gun. The boss couldn't get a word in because she was in shock and he would point the gun at her.
Quote: Chris Forshaw @ June 20 2009, 5:35 PM BSTKind of guessed where it was going early on but I enjoyed the ride.
Ditto, but very polished effort.