Still no sign of Ben then? Saw he came back fleetingly to show his respects for Oldrocker ( which was a nice touch) but nothing since.
Absent friends Page 144
Reckon he's waiting for his embarrassing haircut to grow out.
I hope he hasn't left for good. But maybe with many of the "original clique" like Bussell or Stott having resigned or not posting anymore, (even Sooty's activity seems to have declined somewhat...and yes, Oldrocker has left us for a better place) Ben sees no point in being an active member anymore.
Quote: TheBlueNun @ 28th November 2015, 4:24 PM GMTWhere's my lovely, cuddly Doug Wonnacott gone?
Quote: zooo @ 2nd December 2015, 11:52 AM GMThe shags zombies.
It would be good if people told us they're going and gave a brief reason - a simple 'You lot are f**king boring' would suffice.
I guess it's implied.
The cheeky bastards.
Quote: keewik @ 2nd December 2015, 2:48 PM GMTIt would be good if people told us they're going and gave a brief reason - a simple 'You lot are f**king boring' would suffice.
It depends on what you mean by "going". I'm 70 now, but what if I popped my clogs tonight and never posted again? Would you be thinking that effin' Herc, the miserable bastard! (Puts in LOL to lighten mood)
My wife is disabled and knows very little about computers and my son has no idea of my name and password on this site, but if I was going and he was by my side, rather than say "I love you all" I could say "The BCG.....cough, must tell them on the board....cough, spits blood, wheeze...........the user name is Hercu............"
Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 2nd December 2015, 4:15 PM GMTI'm 70 now what if I popped my clogs tonight...My wife is disabled and knows very little about son...
Still, I'd delete all porn from the computer if I were you, just in case. You don't want them to remember you as a sick pervo, do you?
Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 2nd December 2015, 4:15 PM GMT...and never posted again? Would you be thinking that effin' Herc, the miserable bastard!
I'm thinking that anyway.
Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 2nd December 2015, 4:15 PM GMTbut if I was going and he was by my side, rather than say "I love you all" I could say "The BCG.....cough, must tell them on the board....cough, spits blood, wheeze...........the user name is Hercu............"
Sounds reasonable to me!
If I were about to resign or kick the bucket, this would ideally be my last post:

....or this

I vote for the second one.
Quote: Gordon Bennett @ 2nd December 2015, 4:48 PM GMTIf I were about to resign or kick the bucket, this would ideally be my last post:
....or this
Thanks all for cheering me up. Tonight I do believe we're all going to Hell in a handcart.
Quote: Hercules Grytpype Thynne @ 2nd December 2015, 4:15 PM GMTIt depends on what you mean by "going". I'm 70 now, but what if I popped my clogs tonight and never posted again? Would you be thinking that effin' Herc, the miserable bastard!
(Puts in LOL to lighten mood)
I'll be 71 in 2 weeks today, so how do you think that makes me feel.
71 in Feb.