British Comedy Guide

Quickie news report

An investigation is underway after a severely dyslexic Australian man died in his back garden. The man from Melbourne is thought to have died from anaphylaxis shock after a sting from a bee.
His wife fought back tears as she told the gathered press ''I thought he was having a good time in the garden, he kept shouting FUCKING A''

Boom Boom.

Took a second to sink in, then I pissed myself. Nice one.

Hee hee, silly but funny :)

Thanks for the feedback, nice to get a laugh.

Very nice funny.

I liked this Pedros.

Thanks again for the feedback. It's something that just came to me, not sure what to do with it though.

How stupid am I? This took about 5 minutes to sink in and I was thinking 'is this meant to be someone with a stutter?'

Apart from needing subtitles for the hard of thinking...very good.

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