British Comedy Guide

Ok, what is the most likely way of success? Page 2

Quote: Tim Walker @ June 15 2009, 1:53 PM BST

I know a penchant for fish has always been considered a pre-requisite for comedy writing success, but I think the culture has changed. Producers thesedays don't care too much how much fish you eat, so I think that's a bit of a red herring.

Well, halibut that!

Quote: Leevil @ June 15 2009, 1:49 PM BST

David Bussell is turning into Captain Birdseye.

No invite to the cap'n's table for you, skipper!

Quote: Morrace @ June 15 2009, 1:51 PM BST

It very much depends what you define as fish.


As has been stated, send it to anyone and everyone, even the ones who say they won't read it, because occasionally they will. Once they all say no, do it again. Then again. Then again.

Get engaged to Susan Nickson?

Have you learnt *nothing*?!



It was only a suggestion, based on an n=1 observational study. *shrugs shoulders innocently* :)

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