Quite sunny, but not very warm. A good day.
The Weather Page 3
It's raining so heavy here right now, and my window was ajar. My room is now flooded.
I had thunder and lightning and hail earlier. Was fun!
Thunder, lightning and heavy rain. Been going on for about two hours. My son left his best white trainers outside and is not happy!
Was raining now nice sunset over the lake.
Beeeeeeeeeutiful for now. It's going to piss tonight though.
Sunny and hot at the moment, but later tonight there's a chance of tornadoes and baseball-sized hail. The Realtors told us that the average home has its roof ruined by hail every 10-15 years in this part of Oklahoma.
Quote: DaButt @ June 7 2009, 11:04 PM BSTFoxes are rare around here, but there are plenty of buzzards. They're usually circling a rotting deer carcass. I've had plenty of close calls with the local deer population and it's only a matter of time before my car collides with a buzzard's future breakfast.
There was a fox in my garden this morning, scoffing some crusty bread I'd left out for the birds. I went out and totally expected him to freak out and scarper but he didn't - he just looked over at me and continued sniffing about for a couple of minutes. Beautiful creature. We get tons of 'em around here - even my local pub up the road is called The Fox Covet. I like foxes. It's the big-arse feral cats round here I object to. Huge and f**king vicious too. One nearly had my labrador's eye out.

Quote: JuliaC @ June 15 2009, 11:28 PM BSThttp://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/scotland/edinburgh_and_east/8100953.stm
That is VERY unfortunate.
Its sunny again! Yes come on, I love the sun so muhc, it makes people happy. I whistled all the way to work today, got a lot of funny looks though?
Quote: Darren Pomroy @ June 16 2009, 9:12 AM BSTIts sunny again! Yes come on, I love the sun so muhc, it makes people happy. I whistled all the way to work today, got a lot of funny looks though?
Was it those builders, trying to queer you up again?
Quote: john lucas 101 @ June 16 2009, 9:21 AM BSTWas it those builders, trying to queer you up again?
No unfortunately. I think they learnt their lesson yesterday, instead of a sexy blonde, size ten figure and great breasts they got a bloke with stubble all over his face and just really bad hair. No breasts either, thank god, I would not get anything done!
Ah, the sun's out... very hot... oh, just going behind a cloud... that's a lot cooler... ooh, a bit chilly actually, I'll just get my... no, there it is, all yellow and shiny... nice and warm again... bit too warm... just get some sun-cream... no, there it goes, a big cloud this time... I wonder how long it will take to go past... ho-hum... yes... there it goes... nearly... yes it's out again... "It's out again, Mother!"... where's the hose?...