Sunday 14th June 2009 4:07pm
Royal Berkshire
69,993 posts
Quote: Mrs Mack @ June 7 2009, 5:00 PM BST
What I DO want to know, and hope someone can tell me, are these 'Michael McIntyre Roadshow gigs' or whatever they're called, gigs to test out material for his tour???
No. But as is always the case, some of the gags will be the same. If you've ever watched (Jack Dee) Live At The Apollo, it's that. But on tour.
Quote: sootyj @ June 7 2009, 5:43 PM BST
I hope that isn't a dig, why is every one on such a downer about the Chuckle Brothers?
Leave them alone they're ace.
No, I love them.
Quote: Tim Walker @ June 7 2009, 10:47 PM BST
Whether he swears or not is irrelevant as far as I'm concerned. He's a comedy-by-numbers mediocrity of a stand-up. (Saw him on 'The One Show' the other night trading unfunny banter with Dr Sarah Jarvis - she was president of my med. school union when I was a 1st year - an interesting couple of stories about her as a student, I can tell you - or rather can't.)
PM. Now. 
Quote: Tim Walker @ June 14 2009, 2:52 AM BST
Oh, when did you start listing the comedy schedules on here? Is that a new thing?