British Comedy Guide

I'm back!

Been on hols for the last week, not internet; just tunes, and pen and paper. Most refreshing.

Which one are you again?

The crap one.

Well I'm new here and have no idea who you are, but Hi and Welcome Back.

Welcome sir.

Welcome back! :)

Big up yourself!

Welcome back!
And get an avatar Balf! It's the only way I can distinguish people.

Word to your mother!

Quote: Curt @ June 1 2009, 4:34 PM BST

And get an avatar Balf! It's the only way I can distinguish people.

This. :P

Welcome back Balf. Pleased

Hope you feel refreshed. Welcome back. :)

Quote: Balf @ June 1 2009, 3:17 PM BST

Been on hols for the last week, not internet; just tunes, and pen and paper. Most refreshing.

Wow, you've missed so much since you've been away - MPs expenses, Susan Boyle...and erm, MPs expenses, Susan Boyle. Unlike before you left when the news was full of...:S

Glad to have you back sir.

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