Bigfella posted a his original version of this sketch a little while ago. I liked it and asked him if I could do some work on it a re-write it for radio. Then we could use it on Purple Comedy.
Hope to get it recorded in next couple of weeks.
This is my version, not sure if it's better just different. What do people think?
Purple Comedy
MP's Advice surgery
By bifella
FXoor Knock
MP:Come in.
Woman:Hello. Are you Sir Anthoney Fullbright-Smith, MP for Chottlebury?
MP:Yes madam, this is my advice surgery, what can I do for you?
Woman : I've got terrible money problems. I was hoping as my MP you could help.
MP: Oh how awful.
Woman: It's my electricity, it's been cut off (Breaks down crying) I'm a single mother, I've three kids, all their father's buggered off as soon they got me pregnant.
MP: Don't distress your self. Why do the bastards do things like that?
Woman: Well, it's my large breasts I think. They seem to attract blokes.
MP: No Madam! I meant the electricity company.
Woman: Oh I see!
MP: Look it's all easy to sort out. What's the phone number of your fee's office?
Woman: Sorry? What's a fee office?
MP: The fee's office, all us MPs use them! I send all my bills there and they pay them. Splendid chaps.
Woman: I pay my bills myself, I have to scrimp and save to make ends meet.
MP: Really? You're not in politics then?
Woman: No! I'm worried about my kids I can't afford to feed them.
MP: Oh I see, bit tricky this then. Er wait a minute, I've got a capital idea.
Woman: Yes?
MP:Look, as you have large breasts I was wondering (Beat) Well I was going to book a call girl but you could do the job.
MP:Two hundred pounds!
Woman:Two hundred pounds!
MPh I know it's not much but what with the recession the fees office have cut back on the SSA.
Woman:The SSA?
MPexual Services Allowance.
Woman:This is disgraceful!
MP:Alright, I'll go to three hundred but you'll have to spank me for that and I'll need a receipt.
MP:I've never been so insulted, good bye.
Exit Woman:
MPh, was it something I said?
Enter Arthur Molesworth
Arthur:Hello Sir Fullbright-Smith is it?
MP:Yes, er…
Arthuroor open, pop in I thought.
MP:I see…
Arthur:I'm worried about the rate of prostitution in your constituency. Do you ever give it any thought?
MPh constantly old boy, constantly.