Saturday 10th October 2009 3:13am [Edited]
15,786 posts
Quote: Kevin Murphy @ October 9 2009, 11:54 PM BST
How many other UK sitcoms have got 34 episodes in without putting a foot wrong?
The consistency of this show is quite incredible. When people say they're not thrilled about this or that episode it's fair enough, but there are very few concurrent shows that you can even realistically compare a "weak" episode of Peep Show with in terms of the quality of the writing and - most importantly - laughs.
Quote: Kevin Murphy @ October 9 2009, 11:54 PM BST
I think I kind of hate how good this show still is.
I don't doubt that you say this with the very best of intentions, as a true admirer of PS, Kevin - but on a slightly related point, it does confuse me when before a new series of a really good show airs the doom-mongers appear predicting that the new run will prove the show's "jumped the shark", that it won't compare to "classic [insert name of sitcom]".
Firstly, why would you predict that the glory days are all over before even seeing the new series? And secondly, it's as though some people are hoping to be disappointed. Almost like they're fed up of finding the show funny and can't wait to bury it.
I don't think there are too many around here that think this way (and this is not specifically a point about Peep Show), but they do exist and it does seem rather a bizarre, almost sado-masochistic attitude to take.
Anyway, I think my favourite line tonight was Elena's "She reads books. For fun."