Go Faster Stripe (who should be commended for bringing the less commercial shows to those of who want them) have released Stew's pseudo-comedy piece What Would Judas Do? to CD.
It comprises three performances of the same show (Fri, Sat mat, Sat eve) but due to audience interaction/improvisation/Stew going off on one occasionally, they appear to be different enough from each other to warrant listening to. The show charters the last week of Judas before the Good Friday, with Stewart playing the character of Judas and his thoughts/feelings/justifications for what he did.
I saw the show live during its month-long run at the Bush Theatre (basically a large living-room!) and was very pleased when I saw it. It's very funny indeed; probably more so the more familiar you are with the documented events of the time, but is still very funny if you're not particularly well-versed in said fiasco.
Managed to listen to half the first performance this morning on the bus, and was chuckling to myself with people giving me funny looks. Normally I manage to contain myself out in public and rarely laugh, so that's the level we're talking at. Certainly get it if you're a Stewart Lee fan, as it will appeal as usual.