British Comedy Guide

New Geordie Sitcom

Eldon House is a mocumentary sitcom about the residents of a council tower block in Newcastle. Eldon House is being shot later this summer, please check out the video diary of Geordie Cooke, one of the Eldon House residents.
All feedback will be appriciated

Why aye man.

I quite enjoyed the concept of this and I thought the performance wasn't too bad, but felt that overall the script dragged and meandered on a bit too much.

There wasn't enough to hold my interest and I do think that an awful lot could be cut.

Although the gag with the drink can was nicely done I felt that it was too close to the same idea on Extras.

I'd like to see more of this and think you've got a good concept that needs sharpening and tightening a bit more. Are there other characters or is it all just Geordie?

Right, now you're cooking. This is a brilliant concept but I really would advise a rewrite. On the whole, GOOD STUFF!

Cheers for the comments guys.

There are other characters that will be featured too.

That video diary is not part of the actual sitcom, it was just a quick web cam recording of the character. I hate re-writes!!! but for the pilot script I did at least 17 - it just has to be done.

Thanks again for the responces :)

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