British Comedy Guide

Bond quickie

Bond enters a swish bar

BOND: Give me a martini - shaken, not stirred.

BARTENDER: We don't have have any ice.

BOND: Ok...just a martini then.

BARTENDER: I don't think we have any Mart -

BOND: Just give me any f**king alcoholic drink!

BARTENDER: (PAUSE) You know you shouldn't be in here. What happened to the meetings?

BOND: Look, you don't know me...or what I'm capable of. (BEAT) Get him, Q!!!!!!!!!!

BARTENDER: Seriously, you need to see a doctor Jim. This 'secret agent' and 'imaginary friends with code-names' schtick has gone too far.

BOND: Maybe I should just go home to bed.

BARTENDER: It's for the best, Jim.

Bond leaves the bar

BARTENDER: (On phone) He's coming out now.

5 men put a blanket over bond's head and throw him in the back of a van.

Now that is really good. I do like this a lot.


Thanks. Bond is a goldmine!

The guy who thinks he's bond is always a great source of humour.

Like George Lazenby or Timothy Dalton.

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