MP is hold a surgery session in his constituency with an attractive large breasted woman.
MP : So what seems to be the problem Madam?
Woman : Money. I've got terrible money problems. I was hoping as my MP you could help.
MP: Money is want I'm good at. But you be more specific ?
Woman: It's my electricity, it's been cut off – I'm a single mother of three.
MP: I don't know? Why do the bastards do things like this?
Woman: Well, it's my tits I think. They attract blokes.
MP: No Madam! I was talking about the electricity company.
Woman: Oh I see!
MP : Look it's all easy to sort out. What's the phone number of your fee's office?
Woman: Sorry? What's a fee office?
MP: The fee's office! The place where you send all your bills and they send you the money to pay them with.
Woman: What are you talking about? I pay my bills myself, with my money.
MP: Really? How quaint.
Woman: I'm worried about my kids I can't afford to feed them.
MP: Don't be silly – look if there is a problem just get Tesco to bill the fee's office direct.
Woman: Stop all this talk about fee's offices. I pay for my food myself.
MP: I just don't understand this.
Woman: And little Billy needs a bed – he can't go on sleeping in his cot for ever!
MP: Ah...this I can help with..John Lewis!That's the place for beds. You'll get that receipt paid without question.
Woman: Look! Get it in your head, in the real world outside of Westminister we have to pay for everything ourselves.
MP: I'm so sorry, I didn't realise. Look, I'll do what I can.....can I pop round and help you clean your moat?
Possible extra line at end
Woman takes off blouse.
Woman: Clean your moat? Never heard it called that before. But why not? – but only if you promise to get me up the duff. I could use the extra child benefit.