Barack Obama and Gordon Brown are visiting Guantanamo Bay.
Barack: As you can see, Gordy....I can call you Gordy, can't i?
Brown: Well, I would prefer Gordon...
Barack: I'll call you whatever the GOD DAMN well I want to! You got that, Gordy?
Brown: Yes, in retrospect, that's fine.
Barack: As you can see, 'The Bay' is looking mighty fine right now. Infact, that's why I've brought you down here today.
Barack puts an arm round Gordon's shoulders and pulls his in close beside him.
Barack: Take in the view. Breathe in that fresh sea air. Nostrils getting tickled by the slight smell of burning flesh. This is a divine experience, Gordy.
Brown: It's certainly scenic, Barr.
Barack: Mr Obama.
Brown: Mr Obama.
Barack: George left a file on the desk before he left - it contained plans for a fantastic idea to help the current financial crisis.. tell me, Gordy, have you ever been to Disneyland?
Brown: I went down there with the family last summer.
Barack: Quite expensive, isn't it?
Brown: Well, I was using the expenses account...but yes, in theory it is.
Barack: We need to be getting a slice of Joe Public's money. Picture the scene: 'The Pirate Bay' - a fun-filled adventure holiday for all the family, where they get to see real-life pirates from Sudan locked up in little cages and beaten with a stick.
Brown: Hmm...sounds interesting. But obviously we couldn't have the whole 'photos of you taken on the ride' aspect, bearing in mind the whole abu-ghraib thing.
Barack: That was George testing the idea out. Admittedly the public didn't take to it straight away, but it was clear how much fun those people were having.
Brown: The soliders did look happy pointing at those poor peoples trussed up genitals.. I think you're onto something.
They approach a monorail, connecting them to the 'bay'.
Barack: Let me show you how far we've got. I did quite a lot of the grafting myself in my first 100 days. Couldn't admit it at that dinner, of course, that's why I covered it up by telling all those jokes. I'm working on having Richard Pryor resurrected to write my future stuff.
Brown: You can do that?
Barack: Ha, ha.. Gordy, Gordy.. The real question is if we can keep him contained when we do. That nig*a be crazzeee!
Brown: So what do you want me to do?
Barack: I'm gonna need a fresh batch of immigrants to man the food court, and some new attractions.
Brown: Attractions?
Barack: Yeah, we need that guy with the hook to be sent here. It would like an 'Xtreme Peter Pan' attraction. Disney would snap those film rights up in a heart-beat.
Can't think of a punchline. Any ideas?