British Comedy Guide

William Shakespeare - Genius or twat? Page 6

The Wife of Bath? Now she was a girl! Hubba hubba.

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ May 16 2009, 4:13 PM BST

Laughing out loud Okay, not unlikely, but I would kind of resent being compared to *this* woman.

Wow, is that the subject of the essay 'Compare yourself to the Wife of Bath?'

Um, first off, I'm not as carefree with my wimpole. Second, she am a slapper. Third, her teeth are well manky innit.

I think if you are comparing yourself to the 'Wife', then you might have indentity issues. Unlike Julie Goodyear, who is the Wife of Bath.

Laughing out loud Thirdly, she has a birthmark in a much more "privee place"?

Quote: Scatterbrained Floozy @ May 16 2009, 3:24 PM BST

The Wife of Bath gibbering on about her "queynte"

Heh heh heh.

Quote: Renegade Carpark @ May 16 2009, 4:10 PM BST

No offence Scats, but if the essay is about a female, then writing 'She's like this...On the other hand, she couldn't be more different'. Then that is totally accurate. ;)

Laughing out loud

Shakespeare is simply the greatest writer of literature, greatest playwright and even greatest comedian in the history of English literature. He is one of the few figures, perhaps the only besides the translators of Kings James Bible, in English literature whose work can stand its own against Dante, Homer, Sophocles and the greatest works of world culture. He is even a philosopher and theologian par excellence whose later work is one of the great example of English Sacred Art.

In short I love Shakespeare and could drone on about him indefinitely. I've got a vague yearning to right dramatic work, comedy mainly, myself and gentle Shakespeare is still who I have in mind as the greatest influence, even today.

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