British Comedy Guide

Racial slurs and trolling

I'm going to leave these here for a moment (much as they irritate) as Mark and Aaron may want to use IP tracking to locate this guy / gal. I'm sure after all the furore of police examining much milder postings and emails, the cops may be interested in the use of racial insults.

Wouldn't it be nice for the cops to actually nail a bastard that deserved it rather than an old couple making a joke about some squirrels?

Will be out most of the day so please bear with me while i get some input.

Yup, sorry about that everyone - pretty much all the 'mess' has been cleaned up now but if you spot any thing else from Donnut which we've missed do let us know.

Personally I don't see the enjoyment of trying to muck up a forum by posting lots of identical rude threads but there you go.

The user has now been banned and we're currently tracing him in an attempt to get him 'punished' properly.

The geezer obviously has no life or friends. If he did, he would be out enjoying himself with them rather than going through the internet writing his vile racist shite. Biggoted arse wipe.

This is why I bumped a load of stuff btw if anyone was wondering

I did guess that ajp. Incidentally I'm very close to 500 inputs. Do I get anything for that ? Or does it just prove what a sad bastard I am?

You get another 500 gos

Quote: Mark @ April 15, 2007, 2:09 PM

The user has now been banned and we're currently tracing him in an attempt to get him 'punished' properly.

How? Whichever way you look at it, this is personal.

Thanks ajp. I can't wait to do them.

Going back to the subject - I turned on this morning and saw all this rubbish. Didn't get a chance to look properly but switched on tonight and pleased to see it's gone.

I am also on BBC's Sport forum and they check things before they get published. Obviously that involves a lot of work and a lack of trust but I tried to put something on about "Special Needs Rooney" and they wouldn't publish it. I couldn't be bothered to edit it for them.

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