British Comedy Guide

Sex Therapist


A female sex therapist is meeting with a couple.

Sex therapist:
If I could just get some background info first, you've been married how long?

Twelve years.

Sex therapist:
Twelve, ok. And when would you have said your sex life began to go downhill?

It never went uphill, we've never had sex.

Sex therapist:
Not once?

Not ever. She's perpetually never in the mood.

Sex therapist:
Ok, let's try something. I'm going to turn my head and I want you to show your wife your penis.

This is disgusting, I really don't want to do this.

Come on, when's the last time you actually saw it?

Man shows his penis to his wife as sex therapist's head is turned.

Wife: Aaargh!

Wife is now standing on top of chair.

Wife: (screaming)
Where is it? Where'd it go?

Sex therapist: (to woman)
It's fine, it's ok, I'll get you a glass of water. He's put it away now.

Man: (exasperated)
Houston, we have a problem.

Sex therapist: (to man)
Your wife is phallophobic. She's afraid of cock, I'm afraid.

I'm sorry, she's afraid of cock and you're afraid of?

Sex therapist:
I don't follow you.

You said you were afraid but you didn't say what you were afraid of, are you afraid of cock too?

Sex therapist:
I am not afraid of cock, I adore cock. (PAUSE) Ahem.

Women: (quivering)
Is .. is.. is there a cure?

Sex therapist:
It depends on how well you respond to treatment. We've some time left today, let's get the ball rolling. Sir?


Sex therapist:
Hold your wife's hand and whisper 'willy' to her, keep repeating.

Man: (holding wife's hand)
Willy.. willy.. willy.. willy.. willy.. willy.. willy.. willy.

Sex therapist: (to woman)
Is willy ok for you?

Yes, he's ok. (strokes husband's hand)

Sex therapist
Good, if he's ok for you, he's ok for me. Willy, broom cupboard, now!

This was building up really well and I loved how he drew the therapist in. But then that punch, bit weak really.

I dunno I thought he was going to end up shagging the therapist and his wife saying that was what she was scared of.

Quote: sootyj @ May 5 2009, 10:14 AM BST

This was building up really well and I loved how he drew the therapist in. But then that punch, bit weak really.

I dunno I thought he was going to end up shagging the therapist and his wife saying that was what she was scared of.

Cheers, have changed ending with your suggestion.

The ending's still a bit weak here, Nige.

I really like the beginning, the jokes and situation are good and the pacing is absolutely spot-on. Then you get to:
"I'm sorry, she's afraid of cock and you're afraid of?"
which is very funny and clever in itself, but makes your sketch go off at a tangent.

The standing on the chair bit is great!

I'm surprised you didn't go all testicle after the
let's get the ball rolling
line. Maybe she loves testicles or something, so is conflicted?


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