I thought as I keep posting my two penneth on other people's ideas I should put one of mine up!
As much as I like Banksy I'd love to see someone totally 'twee' up his pad in retaliation.
I'm not sure this works at all though and I'm still v new to sketches - so any comments welcome.
Apologies for the formatting which goes to pot on here.
At home with Banksy
Two men are chatting over the garden fence. Banksy is painting his fence.
George shouts to someone unseen.
George:Be there in a minute love, just having a chat with Banksy. Nice job you're doing there mate.
Banksy:Thanks, but I've told you before George, it's Roy when I'm off duty.
Georgeoh touchy! Are those hoodies still winding you up?
Banksy:They are indeed. If I paint somewhere new these days, the site is
demolished and up on Ebay before I get home! It's costing me a fortune in lawsuits.
George:It's not your fault is it? You're just harmlessly defacing property that doesn't belong to you in a way that appeals to a small minority of people.
Banksy:Exactly. What's wrong with that?
George:Nothing – What's a small matter of vandalism, inciting theft, and encouraging unsavoury youths into a suburban area like this, between friends.
Banksyteady on mate.
George:And it's not like you're a hyprocrite is it?
George:I mean you wouldn't mind if they painted a flowery sign saying "Dunroamin" over your front door with a matching pair of garden gnomes either side of it, would you?
Banksyh. (beat) I never thought about it like that. You know what? I'm going to give up my guerrilla painting methods and rethink my whole artistic future right now.
George:That's good Roy, but before you do, the Jones' kids over the back are giving us grief again. It's non-stop band rehearsals in their garage lately. My Beryl's not getting a wink of sleep.
Banksy:You want me to paint some shadowy hookers, juxtaposed with a multi-national drinks company over their garage doors George? The whole thing will be dismantled by morning if I post it up on twitter.
George:That would be great, and I think the aqua marine you're using there would be perfect for the job.
Banksymock resigned) OK, I get the hint, I'll do it now – but if anyone asks I was round yours watching The One Show alright?
Georgeure, sure. (shouts after Banksy has left) Beryl love, fetch the screwdriver, he's finally painted this panel. It'll go lovely over our fireplace next to the Constable.
The End.