Ira: Okay! I've got a joke... What's the least likely day for a health pandemic to spread?
Jon (offscreen): Um....
Ira: The LEAST likely day!
Jon: I don't know...
Ira: *pauses for effect* The day the swine flew!
*long pause, we cut to Jon; he has a pigs snout*
Jon: I'm sorry, I don't think that's very funny...
Ira: Oh... Oh right because you're a half-man, half-pig kind of hybrid... mutant thing...
Jon: No, just generally. But... thank you for that.
*Ira tries to alleviate the awkwardness with an 'oh well' shrug. Jon exhales, his expression blank*
A joke
I think if you can reword the first part you may be able to salvage a joke. The second half is irrelevant.
Not for me, sorry.
I thought you were going to go off on a manbearpig thing when you were talking about being half pig and half man.