British Comedy Guide

Scene from sitcom. Thoughts? Page 7

Dave have you actually got a job, or is mum and dad still seeing you through from uni days?...

Quote: bushbaby @ April 27 2009, 2:05 PM BST

Amateurs versus Professionals...

But which is better? Their's only one way to find out... FIGHT!!!

I'm just glad I am sitting around with nothing to do today. Till SlaggA stops it all of course.

Why is there work brilliant?...your missing my point.

Quote: Scottidog @ April 27 2009, 2:11 PM BST

I'm just glad I am sitting around with nothing to do today. Till SlaggA stops it all of course.

Why is there work brilliant?...your missing my point.

Never mind Slaga, just you wait until Aaron gets here.

their will be trouble.

Ha ha this place is funny. I was going to say Craig that I thought your 'wardrobe' sketch with Shelly's room was brilliant, but because you got feedback from different opinons you changed it. It was great how it was?
A Camel is a horse designed by a commitee.

see, there's nothing like conflict to get everyone's interest, it works every time.
I must re read all my sitcoms to see if I've put enough conflict in there

Is this thread one of those joint sketches that some of you have been up to lately? If so, it's very good. Darkly comic.

No I undesrtand your point Scott. I said it was your vision you must do what you think best. I am just enjoying the off topic banter. I don't see any malice here as yet. I would have said something if I did, David is certainly big enough to take care of himself and you don't seem fragile in your convictions. Misplaced in the right way to execute them maybe... but time will tell. I've said my piece on that.


Quote: Craig H @ April 27 2009, 2:13 PM BST

Never mind Slaga, just you wait until Aaron gets here.

their will be trouble.

My thoughts exactly... have you seen his punctuation? :O

Quote: Scottidog @ April 27 2009, 2:09 PM BST

Dave have you actually got a job, or is mum and dad still seeing you through from uni days?...

I'll have you know I bought my parents and enrolled them into unquestioning servitude using the embarrassment of riches provided by a top drawer university education.

Marc you seem like a good guy. Thanks for your advice. I see where you are coming from Thankyou.

You bought them Dave? good on you pal, maybe you could hire them out? you could even rope them into doing one of your sketches?...could be like 'The Royle Family' except with a few missing? no.

No worries. These forums often spin off in weird ways. All kind of here to help each other in the end I hope,


Quote: Scottidog @ April 27 2009, 2:19 PM BST

You bought them Dave? good on you pal, maybe you could hire them out? you could even rope them into doing one of your sketches?...could be like 'The Royle Family' except with a few missing? no.

It seems like you're done. Let's leave it there, shall we?

Quote: Scottidog @ April 27 2009, 2:15 PM BST

Ha ha this place is funny. I was going to say Craig that I thought your 'wardrobe' sketch with Shelly's room was brilliant, but because you got feedback from different opinons you changed it. It was great how it was?
A Camel is a horse designed by a commitee.

I'm glad you liked the wardrobe sketch Scott. I think my reason for changing/altering certain things is my lack of confidence in my writing ability as I am just starting out, and I do believe alot of the guy's on here know what their talking about. I don't just go ahead and change my stuff because someone says so, I consider the feedback and read over my sketch again and then decide whether to amend or leave as is.

Have I welcomed you to the forum yet?

Welcome aboard. Wave

Well that seems to be the end of that...

'Id like to thank you all at home for tuning in, and to my special guests this evening, Marc P, Sootyj, Bushbaby, Craig and also last but not least David Bussell.'

On next weeks show we've got a boy trying to swallow a biro with absolutely no complications what so ever!...

thankyou and Goodnight. :)

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