British Comedy Guide

So close...

I made it through to final of Scriptslam, Cardiff - whereby 15 minutes of each play are put up against each other before an audience vote.

The final was last night and I was runner-up - but it raised an interesting point.

I've gone for a gag pretty much every line. The panel (it's all a bit X) liked it but pointed out it may be 'too funny'. After a bout of excitement, I realised that gag after gag does knacker you out a little bit - has anyone else attempted a full length play like this on here?

Well done. And, er, hard luck at the same time...

Stuff can be too funny, I suppose. But it's all subjective. Different judges would have had you won! But others wouldn't have put you through! :)

Dan, of no use whatsoever.

We had a thirty minuter performed on-stage during an international radio play competition. It was utterly humblng, scary, and uplifting to hear the laughs and audience reaction, especially as I was sat in the back of the theatre, racing ahead in my mind to the next laugh and waiting for the reaction.

Best experience of my writing life. We, too, were told it was gag-heavy as it was almost laugh every other line. We came second but we won the audience ballot on both nights. After the first night The Slagg Brothers drove another 500 miles to see it played in the final, it was that much of 'Wow' experience for me. But in all fairness, the cast were staggering, and I still owe them a great debt for making dead lines work.

I wish I'd known about the Cardiff comp. Well done, Rick.

Ta very much

They run it every year, SlagA - Scriptslam at the Sherman. Email Branwen Davies (you'll find her through Sherman pages) - it all starts again in the Autumn.

I agree about the dead lines bit too - nice nicking a bit of what they do for that next draft, eh?

Interesting. Well done!

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