Scene 1 Int - Day
King Charles 1 is dressing with his valet, Barker, on the morning of his execution.
Charles : A fine day to die, Barker, is it not?
Barker : My Liege, how you face this travesty with such bravery.
Charles : I shall go from a corruptible to an incorruptible Crown.
Barker: Your majesty, it is terribly cold outside. Might I suggest an extra shirt. I would not wish the crowd to see you shiver and think you afraid.
Cut to
Scene 2 Ext-Day
King Charles walks onto platform, he sees the baying crowd, the block and the executioner. He suddenly looks troubled and shifts his weight uncomfortably. He turns to Barker.
Charles: The shirts work a treat, but it's a shame you didn't suggest a couple of pairs of trousers instead!