British Comedy Guide

Clandestine Cardinals

Two cardinals are having a clandestine meeting.

Cardinal 1 : We're settled then? He has to go?

Cardinal 2: Yes. That business with Africa and condoms showed how out of touch he is.

Cardinal 1: How will it be done?

Cardinal 2: An upside down crucifixion is the traditional method of course.

Cardinal 1: I think some a little less obvious.

Cardinal 2: Make him watch Angels and Demons, he'll have a bloody heart attack!

Cardinal 1: No, I think poison in the wine at his private morning mass.

Cardinal 2: Excellent.

Cardinal 1: Which brings us to the question of a successor.

Cardinal 2: The church always gets these appointments wrong.

Cardinal 1: Then conclave needs to be pointed in the right direction.

Cardinal 2: His Holiness was always smeared by his Hitler youth past. The new Pope must be a man with no skeletons in the cupboard, no involvement in mass slaughter of innocents under the cover of war.

Cardinal 1: Agreed. He must be a man of principle and substance. No spin or sound bites.

Cardinal 2: We mustn't get this wrong with a hasty choice. However, one name leaps to mind, my friend.

Cardinal 1: (Humbly) Oh....I couldn't really put myself forward.

Cardinal 2: You?.....No. I was thinking of Tony Blair.

It's a good idea, but you don't seem to be having enough fun with it.

And if Tony is going to be a replacement for the Pope feature him he's a wonderfully booable villain.

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