British Comedy Guide

New Graham Linehan Interview.... Page 3

Quote: Matthew Stott @ April 14 2009, 4:28 PM BST

I think I agree. Maybe AD isn't actually ten times better than any UK sitcom this decade, but I can't think of any new brit sitcom since the turn of the century that beats it.

Yeah my "10 times" was a bit over the top, but Arrested Development is better than any sitcom Britain has produced this decade. I've been rewatching AD recently and it makes me laugh just as much and there are still extra gags I pick up on every time.

I'd say he does, I like Curb but the amount of love for it baffles me a little. It's good, I think, but not great. Not Seinfeld great.

Curb Season 1-3 was fantastic, but it has lost its way a bit. Season 4 and 5 were very patchy, although last season picked up again and I'm very excited about the Seinfeld reunion for the upcoming season.

I wonder what brit sicoms from the last ten years could actually top that impressive trio? I'm not sure any could, though some shows, such as the brilliant Peep Show, would come close.

Peep Show would be up there and I suppose The Office, although that is no where near as good as people think it is. The Thick of It as well and Help. All great sitcoms but still not at the level of Arrested Development.

Although I'd say Peep Show and The Thick of It are better than 30 Rock.

The British Office was better than Arrested Development.

Quote: catskillz @ April 14 2009, 5:50 PM BST

The British Office was better than Arrested Development.

Nah, much prefer AD myself. And The American version of The Office.

Quote: catskillz @ April 14 2009, 5:50 PM BST

The British Office was better than Arrested Development.

Not by a long shot. Arrested Development actually had jokes and lots of them.

The Office was a good show, even great at times, but I've found it isn't very rewatchable, now that may be because Gervais, at least in my opinion, has proven himself to be a one trick pony and the fact he comes across very dislikable, so that has had an effect on my judgement or it may be because the humour doesn't hold up to well or have the same impact the second time around.

Arrested Development is full of such a wide-range of humour and has such amazingly compelling characters and it was put together so intricately, that on every rewatch you spot extra gags and character traits. It really is a brilliantly put together show and extremely funny, definitely the best sitcom of the 'noughties' and one of the best sitcoms of all time.

Peep Show is better than AD. So is the UK Office.

For me, anyway.

The UK Office episode, in which Brent plays the guitar and sings, is arguably the single greatest sitcom episode ever made.

Quote: catskillz @ April 15 2009, 4:18 PM BST

The UK Office episode, in which Brent plays the guitar and sings, is arguably the single greatest sitcom episode ever made.

Well you could say that about any great episode of any series you love!

Quote: catskillz @ April 15 2009, 4:18 PM BST

The UK Office episode, in which Brent plays the guitar and sings, is arguably the single greatest sitcom episode ever made.

There's been a rape!

Quote: catskillz @ April 15 2009, 4:18 PM BST

The UK Office episode, in which Brent plays the guitar and sings, is arguably the single greatest sitcom episode ever made.

How many sitcoms have you seen?


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