I am pretty bloody funny. Seriously though, I am pretty bloody funny.
Allow me to introduce myself people. My first name is Craig, my second name is Hosie. My mum would often run both of these names together whenever I was really naughty as a kid. She doesn't do it now mind, I mean I'm 25, and she's dead. I am from Glasgow, Scotland incase you were wondering. If you really couldn't give a shit, well, I'm from Glasgow, Scotland. I am 25, I think I've already said that, but hey, who's counting. I'm 26 next year. I have been writing on and off for about 7 years, it's a sitcom based on a couple who can't decide whether their wedding is on or indeed off - they both unexpectedly die in the end, well it wasn't completely unexpected for me, I killed them.
So, yea...I don't really write tragic comedy or indeed much death into my scripts but I just let it flow. I am currently writing a TV Comedy Drama based in Glasgow itself - so, plenty of twang so about 00000.5% of the UK can actually understand it when spoken aloud. I hope to have it finished in the near future or at least before the distant future.
This forum looks like alot of fun and it looks like I could learn a thing or two too.