British Comedy Guide


I am pretty bloody funny. Seriously though, I am pretty bloody funny.

Allow me to introduce myself people. My first name is Craig, my second name is Hosie. My mum would often run both of these names together whenever I was really naughty as a kid. She doesn't do it now mind, I mean I'm 25, and she's dead. I am from Glasgow, Scotland incase you were wondering. If you really couldn't give a shit, well, I'm from Glasgow, Scotland. I am 25, I think I've already said that, but hey, who's counting. I'm 26 next year. I have been writing on and off for about 7 years, it's a sitcom based on a couple who can't decide whether their wedding is on or indeed off - they both unexpectedly die in the end, well it wasn't completely unexpected for me, I killed them.

So, yea...I don't really write tragic comedy or indeed much death into my scripts but I just let it flow. I am currently writing a TV Comedy Drama based in Glasgow itself - so, plenty of twang so about 00000.5% of the UK can actually understand it when spoken aloud. I hope to have it finished in the near future or at least before the distant future.

This forum looks like alot of fun and it looks like I could learn a thing or two too.

Hello Craig! Funny, *and* modest. :P

Good moaning.

Hello, your new too then? I mean it looks like alot of posts but Fred Goodwin would put a pound sign in front of that number and call it his weekly pension.

Quote: Aaron @ March 28 2009, 12:28 AM GMT

Good moaning.

Morning to you too


Wave Konnichiwa!

Quote: Craig Hosie @ March 28 2009, 12:29 AM GMT

I mean it looks like alot of posts but Fred Goodwin would put a pound sign in front of that number and call it his weekly pension.

That lucky rotter.

Got to love the grammar from you guys! full stops all over the place

Thanks for the welcomes :D

Full stops make me hard.



Yes. :$

Quote: Aaron @ March 28 2009, 11:32 PM GMT

Full stops make me hard.

What do question marks do to you?


Hey Craig! :)

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