British Comedy Guide

Doctor Doctor Animated Sketch

I've recently rediscovered Flash animation (though I have a lot to learn):

Quick 20 sec sketch. If anyone could comment on it (how it looks, voices, if it's funny, all that jazz if you can) - great!


I thought it was very nice. The voice work was clear and confident, the animation did what it was meant to do and the droll punch worked a treat.

Cheers David. Does anyone understand YouTube? The animation's jerkier on YouTube than it is on my laptop. Is there anyway I could fix that a little? Something to do with the size of the file I upload onto the site?

I enjoyed that and agree with David. I've no idea what's involved in animation but it looked good, sounded clear and I liked the unexpected joke.

They'll be no stopping you now. :)

Quote: Yacob Wingnut @ March 23 2009, 10:16 PM GMT

I've recently rediscovered Flash animation


How long does it take to something like that?

Anyway very good, looked professional and tone of voice worked properly

Very good yacob, it has a great look and voices are spot on.

Cheers for compliments and comments so far.

Quote: Rob0 @ March 24 2009, 10:08 AM GMT

How long does it take to something like that?

4ish days in my case.

Very nice, enjoyed :)

Flash git!
Liked it lots but David Bussell has said it all better than me. Droll indeed.

Very good. From technical view point pretty bang on could prob do with a little more eye movement :) more please!

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