British Comedy Guide

SAD Serial Killer

Peaches: Today I am interviewing the most happening serial killer around. Paul Mitchell. Paul, the press dubbed you the SAD serial killer, what does that mean?

SAD: 'Sons and Daughters'. I wanted to save the world from being subjected to the fame-hungry children of talent-less has-beens.

Peaches: Oh yeah, I hate them too.

SAD: I specialised in offing the offspring of 80's pop stars. I bit the head off Kelly Osborne…skinned Otis Ferry alive…

Peaches: Oh was that you?.

SAD: I had a list I was working my way through… Nicole Ritchie, Kimberley Stewart…

Peaches: Kinda like a 'if your name ain't on the list… you're not getting done in! type-thing?.

SAD: As a matter of fact you were on the list…

Peaches: Who me, Peaches Honeyblossom Michelle Charlotte Angel Vanessa Geldof?

SAD: I didn't say it was a short list…

Peaches: So, you were going to kill me too! Tell me why?

SAD: I don't like Mundane!

I love your style, AngieBaby, it's wicked, in both senses of the word!!

I was about to suggest that you end it at - 'I didn't say it was a short list…' - when the penny dropped, re. your excellent play on words, 'I don't like Mundane!' Thank God I spotted it - I would have looked (even more) stupid!

Oh - a little extra gag for you? > > >

PEACHES: Kinda like a 'if your name ain't on the - ah - Pest List … you're not getting done in! type-thing?.

Anyway - brilliant!

Nice, AngieBaby.

Nicely written.
Couple of points. the 'shortlist' joke is nice - don't know if it needs a bit more time between that and the end of the sketch as it's the sort of joke it might take people a few seconds to get. It's a slow burner!

Punchline - some people seem to really like it, so I guess it's fine - but for me it's more of a groan than a laugh.

Proper class that. Be interested to know if you worked backwards from having that punchline. If not you must have been bloody happy when it struck you.

Finally I get there - after five or so reads!

God my brain must be going.

Very nice indeed.

AngieBaby, loved this. You're a wordsmith with rythm, and the 'don't like mundane' was wickedly funny. I suppose it would depend on the performer as to whether that's delivered sardonically, or as a 'boom-boom'. Either way, I liked it a lot.

Thanks for the feedback.

beelzebozo, I had the punchline and worked backwards.

On paper almost didn't get the punchline. But clever.

I like the writing, and the idea. I like it all, in fact, except the final gag. I'd maybe leave it a after "short list" which is brilliant, or think of something different.

Or leave it as it is.

The "mundane" bit is a touch naff, but then ending a sketch on a pun always makes for a cheap punchline. Agree with James where you should leave the sketch.

Quote: bigfella @ March 23 2009, 11:04 AM GMT

God my brain must be going.

That's like me saying 'My late granny must be going.'

Quote: David Bussell @ March 24 2009, 4:36 PM GMT

The "mundane" bit is a touch naff, but then ending a sketch on a pun always makes for a cheap punchline. Agree with James where you should leave the sketch.

If it's sung, I can see it working. Good stuff.

Quote: Balf @ March 24 2009, 5:10 PM GMT

If it's sung, I can see it working. Good stuff.

'Climb Every Mundane'

Thanks for the great feedback.

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