British Comedy Guide

Well, hello there

Hello. I stumbled across this site a few weeks ago and I've got so much out of it. People flagging-up opportunities and discussing how they get on, critiques etc. Thanks all.

About me:

Hobbies and Interests.
My interests include the BBC Writersroom and all it has to offer the aspiring writer. Also, hammering nails into my genitals. I'm not sure which I enjoy most. I like trainspotting too. It's a much maligned and misunderstood hobby, but it helps keeps me off the sex offenders register.



Hello Rhubarb! :)

Hi Ellie,

I wonder if you can help me. How is it ghosts wear pants? Why do pants have an afterlife too? You wouldn't happen to know, would you?

If ghosts didn't have pants they's give more people 'the willies'.

Hello btw. Wave

Now THAT'S why I love this forum!
Thanks Nil

Afternoon. *tips cap*

Hello, welcome to Hell.

Quote: Rhubarb @ March 19 2009, 3:03 PM GMT

Hi Ellie,

I wonder if you can help me. How is it ghosts wear pants? Why do pants have an afterlife too? You wouldn't happen to know, would you?

To be honest, there is a simple explanation... Ghosts look how they want to look... the clothes are a part of the former person's imagination. Or they don't want to give people the "willies". Rolling eyes

Are you saying, ghosts are their own imagination?

Surely, if there are ghosts, they'd be dressed in whatever they died in, or in something worn in a memory. They can't just decide to wear whatever! Laughing out loud

Yes, it really is a metaphysical and theological conundrum. But if your hypothesis is correct, then surely we would see flashers, streakers and flamboyant exhibitionists from beyond the grave? The only ghost I ever saw had a bed sheet over his head, and seemed to be very drunk. Still, food for thought. Much appreciated, folks.

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