British Comedy Guide

The Works - seeking sketch writers! Page 2

Quote: Stan Doubt @ March 15 2009, 7:15 PM GMT

You really are great at schmoozing aren't you? ;)

Stan - I can't work out if you're a cynic or just upset because no-one's shmoozing you. Great user name by the way - but if it's actually your real name I apologise. If you move into solo performance work will you change it to Stan Dup? :)

Am I getting this shmoozing right Dan? Rolling eyes

Isabel, it looks like you're going to get lots of good stuff from here! Enjoy.


Quote: Stan Doubt @ March 15 2009, 7:15 PM GMT

You really are great at schmoozing aren't you? ;)

You send the best replies, Si. No, really, you do. No, *you* do!



Quote: swerytd @ March 15 2009, 9:14 PM GMT

You send the best replies, Si. No, really, you do. No, *you* do!



Now tell me I have a beautiful body ;)

Quote: Jane Perrin @ March 15 2009, 9:07 PM GMT

Stan - I can't work out if you're a cynic or just upset because no-one's shmoozing you. Great user name by the way - but if it's actually your real name I apologise. If you move into solo performance work will you change it to Stan Dup? :)

Am I getting this shmoozing right Dan? Rolling eyes

Isabel, it looks like you're going to get lots of good stuff from here! Enjoy.


Naw, it's just a bit of banter. Thanks, congrats on getting something in the trials btw, how did you do?

To be honest Isabel and David are stand-out comic actors, am looking forward to agonising about what are my three best sketches. Exciting opportunity.

All this schmoozing ;)

There once was a bloke called Dan
Who had a big schmooze with Stan
It all seemed a bit gay
But it turned out Okay
When it turned out he wasn't a man

Quote: Stan Doubt @ March 15 2009, 9:25 PM GMT

congrats on getting something in the trials btw, how did you do?

She's way too modest to tell you she won her heat, so I'll tell you: She won her heat.

Quote: Rob0 @ March 15 2009, 9:28 PM GMT

All this schmoozing ;)

There once was a bloke called Dan
Who had a big schmooze with Stan
It all seemed a bit gay
But it turned out Okay
When it turned out he wasn't a man

:D Another corker from BSG's 'Mr Songs'...


There once was a woman called Jane
Who had a real good comic brain
She went to the Trials
Won her heat by a mile
Now she's chilling with a glass of champagne

Well done Jane :D

Quote: swerytd @ March 15 2009, 9:29 PM GMT

:D Another corker from BSG's 'Mr Songs'...


Phew glad you liked it. Wish I was "Mr Sketches" today, then I might have a chance at this opportunity ;)

Quote: Rob0 @ March 15 2009, 9:28 PM GMT

All this schmoozing ;)

There once was a bloke called Dan
Who had a big schmooze with Stan
It all seemed a bit gay
But it turned out Okay
When it turned out he wasn't a man


Quote: Stan Doubt @ March 15 2009, 10:02 PM GMT


lol. And yes, 'Stan', so far so good in the comp thanks - but getting back to the thread, as pride comes before a fall and all that...

I do recommend people submit here as I can speak from experience and say how good it's been to work with Isabel. She has a great comic mind and will help you get the most out of your work.


Congrats! Many times I wish I lived in London so I could attend things like this.

(are people still putting my forum name in quotes? I changed it months ago people, and you all know who I am anyway...)

Hoy! it was I who started the schmoozing
But now I'm left out - not amusing
But I know this much of Dan
He's really a man
Except when of course he's been boozing.
Then he wears a pink ball gown and answers to the name of Cheryl.

I'm experimenting with a new limerick format. 6 lines - although I can't get the last to scan terribly well. OK what about this then?

RobO's stuck his nose in this thread
But I think that there's something needs said
Keep yourself to yourself
And It'll help preserve your health
But forgive me for I'm now off to bed.
To sleep perchance to dream.

Damn this new type of Limerick's still not working is it?

You never know, might have created something new there.

Oops, there I go poking my nose in again :P

Blenks has come up with a new
Type of limerick; he's written a few
It has got six lines
Some of them are quite fine
In fact it's a bit of a coup
Except the last line doesn't fit all that well if I'm honest but I like the idea

There's room in this thread for us all
So forgive me RobO there's no call
To single you out
With your wandering snout
You know sometimes I must really appal
The BSG membership and that...

Nah still ain't working is it

Oh-oh. Just had a thought

We're off topic now Rob do you see
Two wrong'uns that's you and that's me
And if Mod happens by
And this catches his eye
We'll get banned - thread deviation tee-hee!

:D Very good, I like those!

You're not wrong there. I'd better get off to bed before I create more trouble

Blenkinsop's not easy for a rhyme

And I don't have too much time

But yes you should take all the blame

For this off topic-ing. Feel that shame

Although your 6 line limericks which don't scan

Or rhyme at the end are easier thanks!


Sounds good. I'll have to remember to send some in!

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