I'll be attending.
Writing Topical Sketches For The Radio Page 2
Quote: sootyj @ April 2 2009, 10:24 AM BSTI'll be there the myterious pseudonymous Sootyj!
You aren't going to set fire to anything are you?
A long memory is a sign of a sexual inadequacy.
Quote: sootyj @ April 2 2009, 1:46 PM BSTA long memory is a sign of a sexual inadequacy.
You said that eight years ago.
Oh shit.
I had a great time at the workshop today.
Thanks Dave for such a useful and entertaining course.
As a bonus it was lovely to finally meet some fellow BSGers.
I felt mine, Dan and Kerry's 'Mathew Horne' sketch deserved special condemnation, I mean commendation, for repetition if nothing else. (pause for laughter). (Cue Dan falling over again if laughter doesn't come).
Everyone came up with good material though. We should have busked it somewhere after. How hard can it be to put a sketch show together?
Yeah a very entertaining and helpful course. Thanks Dave. Who knew writing in teams could be so much fun? I will have to rethink my solitary monk style writing technique. P4L
It was nice to meet everyone too and put some faces to names. There were some great sketches and especially one-liners that came out in such a short space of time.
My elbow hurts...
Nice to meet everyone yesterday. It seems more and more of these BSGers are 'real-life'...
It was a funtime and I am slowly getting to meet all the BSG members (and soon the imaginary ones).
One of my ambitions is to one day meet SootyJ.
Maybe you already have.....
But seriously going to anything comedy related in the UK chances are I'll turn up there.
Found it both useful and enjoyable. And sootyj does a pitch perfect raspberry.
We should have recorded the sketches, trimmed the errors and broadcast it as a podcast on itunes to take the topical sketch comedy world by storm. Amazingly the organizational side of that would probably be harder than the technical side.
Quote: swerytd @ April 5 2009, 9:37 AM BSTHiya!!!
My elbow hurts...
Don't blame us. It's all the hoovering you do! Even Amazon have commented on it.
It was a really enjoyable day.
I wouldn't have called it easy though.
Definitely nice to put a face or two to some of the avatars.