Quote: Tim Walker @ March 17, 2008, 1:42 PM
....And when you've re-written and re-written over and over again, it's hard to still find the same jokes funny.
Are you actually selling these pieces that are yanking that much upstream effort from you? Actually receiving money and/or visible credit?
I ask because it honestly should not require as much work as you are putting forth.
A novel, sure. Write & rewrite until those lines won't budge. But with unsolicited comedy material intended for television, it ain't worth knocking yourself out about. If they buy your script or sitcom pilot, they will make you change those lines that you worked so hard on getting just right.
Comedy, especially television comedy, is not really about jokes anymore. F**k the jokes. Write funny situations involving characters that are chalk & cheese. Funny situations & dialogue do not lose their funniness upon repeated reading like jokes do.
For god's sake, I hope you are not ending your pieces with punchlines.
Really, if you are capable & able & willing to write & rewrite your tits off, then you should be writing novels. Nevermind what the weaklings tell you about publishers & editors having the final say about your contents; they don't. You do.
With novels you control the pace and everything else. You are god. Readers will appreciate the way you honed every line through rewriting.
If it ain't fun, don't bother.
Only do what is fun.
That's where your success will come from.
Skibbington von Skubber, III