Monday 9th April 2007 9:02pm [Edited]
5,335 posts
Don't panic about it Paul. Funny doesn't come and go. You'll always have the talent. But your mind is probably telling you that you need to get some other problem dealt with first.
Best thing is deal with anything that's really bugging you. Then take a day off writing or thinking about it. Then sit down and force yourself to write. Literally. It's horrible, I know. Ignore the quality. Ignore judging it. Write a page. Even if it's random words or automatic writing by association. It'll get you back on the saddle.
Another idea is to write something different like a short story, a novel, a drama. I went through block (before Christmas to now). It was a long barren patch, but now I'm writing again. I've switched from sitcom to novel and the break in routine is making the difference. In a novel or prose you're not expected to write funny all the time and it's very liberating while keeping the ideas coming.
But most of all don't panic. It hasn't vaporised or vanished. It's still there with you.