*Looking at it now, it comes across as even more repellent than intended. Hmm.
GRAMS: classical music
Announcer: (rich, cultured, speaking voice) You have taste. You have refinement. Now from Lenox comes an item so classically beautiful that you'll be proud to have it as a centerpiece on your dining table for generations to come….The Lady GaGa Porcelain Pants. Each pair of pants is meticulously hand painted and edged with real gold gilt. Use them for dips or just display them proudly in your china cupboard. Offered in styles for everyday elegance or truly special occasions.
Daughter: Mum, Derek just asked me to marry him!
Mum: Oh, sweetie. I'm so happy for you! I'll get the Lady GaGa Porcelain Pants down.
Daughter: The regular ones?
Mum: No, the extra special ones. Unless you don't think you'll last.
Announcer: Lady GaGa Porcelain Pants. Just three easy payments of twenty pounds and you'll be showing the world your pants for years to come.
Daughter: Mum, this dips gone off.
Mum: Actually, dear, I afraid that's the pants. You see, sometimes your father likes to dress up…
Daughter: (crying) God! I HATE this family!!
EFFECTS: Door Slam
Announcer: This Lady GaGa porcelain creation is offered for a limited time, so order today or you could find yourself without pants.