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The Sam and Dave Show

Calling all comedy Sketch writers out there! We are Sketch Comedy Show called The Sam and Dave Show based in Devon, at the moment we are doing a Commnuity Radio show, and we are looking for New writers to submit their sketches.

We are looking for all kinds of sketches, in particular Character based, Topical or News items, although if you think you have a cracker, then please send it!

We are professional trained Actors, writers and directors.

This a real and genuine chance to get the public to hear your material, if your sketch is chosen you will receive a credit and MP3 version of it.

If you are interested please email Sam Morgan on

Please note I have just changed the email address




No Money - give us the funny!

Hi Sam - do you have any more information like a better idea of what you are after or a link so we can hear some of the show to get the feel for it?

I think that saying is from Harper Lee "To Kill a Mocking Bird" The only thing to fear to fear is to fear itself, but maybe I am wrong of course.

I can send some mp3 of course, a writer who is part of the show and the forum, suggested I put an advert here, look we are not a bunch of dicks if that's what you are worried about, I think the thread says what it does on the tin mate. It's a chance to show your stuff, if we think it's right for us.


Quote: Sam Morgan @ March 5 2009, 2:19 PM GMT

I can send some mp3 of course...if we think it's right for us.

That's basically what I was asking. If you can post some mp3's or something (perhaps some scripts of sketches you've already used?), give people a better idea of what is likely to be right for you, then you'll likely get a better response.

"The only thing to fear is fear itself.... and spiders! And heights!"

Sam, when you say Community Radio, does that mean a proper local radio station? Or pirate radio perhaps? Or is it internet radio?

Also, no one is slating you in previous posts. They were genune questions, as most sketch shows "adhere" to a certain in-house style, so therefore writers need to adapt to that style.

Yeah of course, am sorry, am against the clock and a solicitor is chasing me! (it's alright I work in the law) am slightly frazzled

It's proper community radio, FM, we have already put own live show last year, me and Dave have been working as a double act for 2 years now. I won't post the stuff on here but would be happy to email the MP3 to your own personal one though.


OK. Send it to please and I'll have a listen and maybe send you some material.

Yeah okay, must crack on, will do this tonight


Do writers keep the rights to their material?

yes of course, we perform you always would have the rights, that would be go with out saying

Hi, It sounds like a great oppourtunity to get stuff made, I'm sure you will get lots of response. I will see if I have anything to send.

Just out of interest. What are we allowed to do with the mp3s that you'd give us? Are they just for showreel or can I turn them into animations for my YouTube channel? And I doubt I'd ever make any money out of the animations but what if I did? :)

Well you maybe the person we are looking for, I am looking to do sketch animations for our live show and for you tube... so we could come to an arrangement.

MP3 although it's your material, I will need to check the legal implications of course,but my gut feeling is that if you give us the credit for the performance and you for the written sketch, we would both be happy, of course if money is made then we would have to think what we do... let's live the dream eh!

Ok thanks Sam. Well I'm not a very good animator! But I'll drop you an email in a bit, the live show element sounds fun.

yep..... I prefer the radio, we look better on that of course

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