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Roman's Empire BBC2 12/04/07 21.30 Page 9

Quote: Darren Goldsmith @ May 17, 2007, 9:16 AM

It'd be a sorry world where everyone agreed all the time.

I agree

Har de har...


I'm really torn now, part of thinks "great that's over." And another part of me is sad to see it go. Well, the series end anyway.

Perhaps I just need my Kelly Pretty fix.

Quote: naniwaelegy @ May 16, 2007, 12:02 AM

I just find this show so horrible and cynical that it makes me really sad to think it ever got off the ground. Who possible thought that ripping one of the greatest sitcoms in recent times (rather than simply screening it) was a wise move. The lack of ambition is dreadful as is the lack of ambition in the writing. "There is no such place as Romania" is a weak joke to start with - but to dilute it even further with a picture of a map showing Romania...beggars belief. And the joke it was stolen from is far superior. (Arrested Development....It's not like there's a book that teaches you to be a parent...and a cut to " has X amount of books on the subject of parenting" with all the books on the page all being little jokes ). I've watched AD numerous times and keep finding new jokes hidden away, obscure references, clever wordplay, call backs, call forwards the whole gamut. Some of the jokes are broad (most plots with Tobias) and some are relatively intellectual (Use your Allusion...I'm thinking of Poe) I found the level of passion in AD awe inspiring - while simply depressing. I know I shouldn't watch it if I don't like it...but the fact that it gets an audience at all beggars belief. I really believe that shows like RE hurt British comedy and should never make it to the air.

Thanks Nani. There was me just thinking RE was 'influenced' by The Royal Tenenbaums. I know that it's popular with some, but I'm glad that this super piss-weak show has ended. If you put this much money and quality acting behind any script it will 'work'.

A script from this show wouldn't make the sift in the writersroom. As somebody mentioned it was only commissioned because it was written by NIgel Williams' kids and the C.E. was probably handed the script when he came round to dinner. Angry

Quote: naniwaelegy @ May 17, 2007, 12:16 AM

But there is very little high quality comedy.

But how does one define "high quality", or "comedy", and especially so together? Taken literally, "comedy" is just something that's funny. And "high quality" is, presumably, something which does what it's intended to? (I don't have OED with me, but will exact definitions when I can.) So on that basis, anything that's particularly popular is "high quality comedy". Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps. Little Britain. My Hero. Etc etc.

Why does something that is popular have to be classed as 'high quality comedy'?

High quality comedy to me is something that first of all has lots of jokes in it, secondly a great script/plot, thirdly brilliant characters/cast and something that is filled with passion and you can see that the writers care about the show and making something as best as they can.

Shows like Peep Show and Arrested Development weren't/aren't hugely popular, mainstream shows yet I would class them as 'high quality comedy'.

You're all obsessed. I haven't even seen this show and I'm hating it!!

Quote: Martin Holmes @ May 18, 2007, 6:19 PM

Why does something that is popular have to be classed as 'high quality comedy'?

High quality comedy to me is something that first of all has lots of jokes in it, secondly a great script/plot, thirdly brilliant characters/cast and something that is filled with passion and you can see that the writers care about the show and making something as best as they can.

Shows like Peep Show and Arrested Development weren't/aren't hugely popular, mainstream shows yet I would class them as 'high quality comedy'.

Well that's what I'm saying: "What IS 'high quality' comedy?" A very good answer though. Nicely put. :)

Yeah it's hard to actually define "high quality comedy", but I think it's obvious to anyone when you compare two shows such as say Curb Your Enthusiasm and Lead Balloon which one is the "higher quality comedy".

Same as say Seinfeld compared with Two Pints. The Day Today compared with Broken News etc.

I just brought some "High quality comedy" my Curb Season 1 finally came today, 9.99 from Play, checked it again, its gone up to 11.99...

High Five!!

Although I hope it has nothing to do with me reviewing it as "genius"?

If that it the case, I'm going to be busy today reviewing everything as crap and hopefully they'll drop the prices.

Never really got the bashing of Two Pints, i thought it was very good, some great one liners, good plots, pretty decent characters. I think a lot of people find it scary because it is aimed at the younger audience.

I was never too fond of Seinfeld either, so comparing the two still works just in the opposite to me.

Lol. I'm not a fan of Two Pints because to me, it feels like it goes for the easy laughs, just by saying something disgusting.

I don't think it's really bad, but as a writer I feel it's uninspired?

The first the episode of Two Pints actually was really good and showed promise. First series was okay I suppose. From then on it just became lazy, as Leevil says just goes for easy laughs by saying crude stuff.

Two Pints doesn't even deserve to be in the same sentence as Seinfeld really, so I'm sorry for doing that.

Seinfeld is intelligent, fantastically written, great characterisation and extremely funny. One of if not the best sitcom ever and anyone that can't even appreciate its comedy has not watched it properly.

Well i was in Yoga practice as i watched it ... bah, my opinion sticks. I enjoyed TPL throughout it's run. When Janet Killed Jonny was also a great episode/special.

And naming a sitcom after yourself ... Arrogance.

Network decision, they commissioned the show on the basis of Seinfeld's popularity, they thought that would draw viewers. And arrogance would be one word you wouldn't use to describe Jerry Seinfeld if you actually watched the show (the real life Jerry I mean, the character is arrogant) because in the show he always puts the other characters over more than himself, he always gives them the best plots and he often takes a backseat which is a real testament to him.

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