British Comedy Guide

Watson's Wind Up - oneliners & short sketches. Page 6

I got something in the new one (the last gag...God, it was terrible, but they liked it!)

They don't have my postal information, which I presume they might need. Shall I wait for them to contact me or shall I email them?

Thanks guys, wouldn't have heard about this without you.

Edit: And - this question may show my inexperience - but is there any money coming my way, or is this just 'be thankful I've got a credit' time?

Congratulations, Stephen.

I was the same, and after a couple of weeks the Comedy Unit's accounts person just emailed me, asking for my address.

I then got a contract, which basically says you give them all rights "throughout the universe" and in return get £36 per minute plus 10% for internet rights. You also get 65% for repeats within 7 days, and 100% after that. But being a topical show I doubt there'll be any.

Thanks for clearing that up John.

I much preferred 'A survey this week reports that 1 in 10 Scots couldn't identify a sheep. 10 out of 10 Scots said they would be willing to eat it's internal organs.'

Maybe not particularly funny to any actual Scottish people! :)

Quote: Stephen Marsh @ April 4 2009, 12:59 AM BST

I got something in the new one (the last gag...God, it was terrible, but they liked it!)

Don't play your achievements down, young man!

Has the show finished now?

End of April I think.

Got a weak titter this week. Go me.

Quote: thefridaylink @ April 12 2009, 11:24 AM BST

Got a weak titter this week. Go me.

Same! :)

But they all count!

I think they've got a 13 week run.
Last Friday was episode 10.
Haven't heard it yet as I've been away for Easter.

Hi, typically just discovered this now. Dismissed it before thinking it was some kind of Chris Moyles type prank call japery.

Anyone know what kind of format they want submissions in - properly formatted scripts or just a couple of lines of normal text?

Not that we've got any gags.


Lines of text are fine - especially for one-liners.

Thanks. Now just have to generate some topical hilarity.

If you could head out and steal lots of toilets so police have nothing to go on I think we would all appreciate it.

Hi guys!

Am going to submit to this show but do I have to send one liners in a separate rtf doc or can I just put them in the body of the e-mail? I alway feel stupid sending one liners in a separate document!

Many thanks!

Main body of the email is fine. Add your full name so they can give you credit if you make the cut.

Thanks very much thefridaylink!

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