British Comedy Guide

Watson's Wind Up - oneliners & short sketches. Page 4

You can listen to it live via the BBC Scotland Radio site as well.

You can listen to it live via the BBC Scotland Radio site as well.

Yeah, but trouble is they force you to install Real Player, which is currently in hot water at the moment because of the spyware associated with that player.
God knows why the Beeb chose that software.

You can use 'real alternative' as a good substitute for real player. It's what I did for years with their old listen again system.

It's only their current live shows that need realplayer.

And.. nah.. don't fancy downloading anything else on my 'puter.

My WMP is good enough for everything else. :)

Did anyone get anything on? I didn't!

The best thing I sent in was a sketch about the crackdown on alcohol. They did a 5 minute sketch on that subject, so I guess there was little chance of mine getting in as well.

I'll persevere though! As a result of writing sketches for this show, I came up with one that ended up in NewsRevue, so it's all good practise.

How long after the show does it take to hear back? One of the quickie lines was very similar to one I sent it, albeit reworded slightly, so not sure

Rob. Are you Robin Miller?

If so, I heard your name in the credits.

So you got something in.


Regarding contract/being paid etc, in a while (maybe a couple of weeks) they'll contact you.

As a result of writing sketches for this show, I came up with one that ended up in NewsRevue, so it's all good practise.

That's the good thing about sketches. You can recycle them. :)

Quote: Mikey J @ March 7 2009, 8:17 PM GMT

Rob. Are you Robin Miller?

If so, I heard your name in the credits.

So you got something in.


Regarding contract/being paid etc, in a while (maybe a couple of weeks) they'll contact you.

That's the good thing about sketches. You can recycle them. :)

Ahh, didn't expect they'd do the credits. Cheers Mikey :)

Yeah, credits is the first way you hear (or rather spotting your lines then credit is conformation it was actually you). Then at the end of the series they'll contact you to sort out everything they used of yours in one go.

So c'mon rob what was the line?

Was the Land of Leather line about a minute in

I have a vaque memory of the Land Of Leather line. (too much beer at the club last night methinks)

How did it go again?

Version they used was along the lines of:
"Did you see the paper? Land o' Leather have run out of money.
Aye, and they've come up with a new way to raise cash - Staff are looking behind all their sofas"

I like sketches in a Scottish accent :)

Oh yeah, I remember now.
That was a great line. :)

Cheers Mikey. Another this week :)

Cool. Which one was yours?

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