Thursday 19th February 2009 5:37pm
Royal Berkshire
69,962 posts
Quote: Bad dog @ February 19 2009, 8:48 AM GMT
If Labour win again, it's time to emigrate as Britain is going to be seriously f**ked.
Even moreso than now? Not sure even they could manage that one.
Quote: Blenkinsop @ February 19 2009, 8:56 AM GMT
Hey, you're not Jim Davidson are you BD?
Quote: chipolata @ February 19 2009, 11:23 AM GMT
Although for what it's worth, I think Gordon Brown has as much chance of winning the next election as Jade Goody celebrating Christmas.
Quote: chipolata @ February 19 2009, 11:27 AM GMT
Never Never Land?
Quote: Dolly Dagger @ February 19 2009, 11:46 AM GMT
Are there, though? I think we're pretty lucky in the UK with regards weather (temperate) and natural disasters, location (it's great being an island), culture (we speak English and have European culture on our doorstep) a low homicide rate, beautiful and variable countryside and non-dangerous wildlife. We have a good degree of freedom of speech and a good level of general tolerance. Overall I think it's a pretty good place to live.
I'm agreeing with Dolly. Help.
*is scared*
(Well, apart from the weather bit. Too hot here.)
Quote: bigfella @ February 19 2009, 11:54 AM GMT
I just don't see why people in politics don't just take the honest approach with everything.
I think that we should do XYZ.
This will cost ££££ and should achieve ABC.
If you agree with us vote for us, if you don't agree don't.
If you actually get elected then carry out what you said.
If you balls up or you don't get the results you expected - tell people in simple terms.
Its got to be better than giving half answers, or not answering questions or telling porkie pies.
Surely it's easy?
Well in theory, yes. But in practice, there's privacy, security, international relations, and secrecy issues to contend with. See Yes Minister - S01E01 Open Government.
Quote: sootyj @ February 19 2009, 12:05 PM GMT
The sole diference between Brown and Cameron is you'd need to drink less to shag Cameron (he really is quite pretty).