British Comedy Guide

Writing for Newsjack (aka 7 on 7) Page 56

Hi R.J.

I hadn't seen that NewsBiscuit article when I wrote my Jedi sketch! Interesting though. I'm not surprised it's been done before though. Since Jedi is the only vaguely legitimate "religion" (ie it's on census forms) which we are allowed to take the piss out of, it's become a common satirical lens for viewing religious news stories through (as you point out).

I often wish I didn't read and watch as much comedy stuff as I do. Quite often I think of an idea and then remember that I read something slightly similar in Private Eye three years ago or whatever, so I bin it. If I hadn't read that Private Eye issue, I probably have happily gone ahead and written it up, and who knows, maybe even made a sale. And no shame in that - my interpretation wouldn't have been a copy of the original. It's just that once I know something's been done, I stay away from it. So the less I know has been done before, the better off I'd be, in a way. Does that make sense?

Hi Griff

Oh, thank gawd you took my post in the spirit I intended! I've actually gone back and snipped it now, because I was so worried about upsetting anyone (NOT a very good idea for the new kid!)

It's so, so difficult. Particularly as a fan of comedy. I have to say that I don't actually find much to genuinely laugh at with British comedy these days, mainly because it all feels so familiar. And there's always that fear when you get an idea or start constructing a joke/sketch that it's been done before. I think as long as you genuinely acknowledge something, in other words if you spot a similaritiy you either stay away or look for another angle, you can't really do anymore. It's just frustrating when you see another joke you have seen before crop up on another show. Not the fault of the writer or producer though if they didn't see the original (and the point is, that probably wasn't the original version anyway!).

This also happened to me with the very first radio sketch I sold, which someone on here pointed out was very similar to a segment on Futurama (which at that time, I hadn't watched - I've still only seen one or two episodes.) I guess so much comedy has been produced nowadays across all the different media, that it's almost impossible to come up with an observation which is completely fresh and unique, while at the same time being general and recognisable enough for people to relate to.

Well, that's certainly the problem with a brief like Newsjack's, or indeed any mainstream show. It's got to be a reference that people are going to get, so it's got to be something that's been in the public conscience for sometime (which runs the risk of it being less original). Or, say, in the case of Michael Jackson dying it's a story where you're trying to find angles for a man who was parodied in some form or another for most of his life. Not easy.

If you go for obscurity you've got the originality, but you won't have the recognition. Comedy for the most part is people laughing at things they already know. A lot of it is about confirming their beliefs/ideals. It's just doing it in a slightly different way.

Loved the Jacko's glove sketch.

3 pretty poor sketches submitted this week, but it's always the things you think are crap that end up getting on so by that logic...

This time I managed to send the correct number of jokes and sketches - three each.

Three sketches sent off. I'll give it till tomorrow for the one liners in case something else mega happens.

As already mentioned, the Michael Jackson glove line was excellent. Best line I've heard on Michael Jackson thus far, and the nest thing on Newsjack so far.

Quote: Kevin Murphy @ July 2 2009, 1:55 PM BST

No such luck for me this week, by the looks of things. Not even acknowledgement of receipt :(

I never got an automated response last week either but did this week when I sent my sketch off. Can I just ask those who submitted last week and managed to get something on the show if they got an automated response last week? Cause if you did it means my material may not have been received so I can recycle my corrections for this week and save my nogging from doing that thinking stuff which makes my head hurt.

I got an auto response on Friday when I sent stuff off. I just sent another sketch just now, and nothing yet. But I'll let you know. Good luck everyone. I'm going to try and stop monitoring my e-mail and this forum for at least half an hour! :D

I did get an automated response last week and have done every week so far, for both sketch emails and separate vox-pop emails. They take a while to arrive (check your 'Junk' mail folder maybe?)



I have sent off stuff each week and haven't had owt at all not ever. No automated responses, nada, zilch, zippo, bugger all, not a sausage...

Sent stuff off earlier today and same thing no automated response.

So just to check....

The address is Yeah? cos according to the site the address is

Another dot at the end - but that's a full stop isn't it? I'm not getting mail bounced back as undelivered so it must simply be that my genius has something of a limited appeal i.e. limited to recognition by just me then :-)

Yeah, that's the email I'm using (no extra dot at the end)


Isn't the whole point of an automated response that it's, well, just that? It's just acknowledging receipt of the email you've sent. Presumably though, they either turn it on and off or people who aren't getting them have a problem with their email set up.

I sent three sketches off this morning and received one pretty much straight away.

Thanks and thanks. Other times I've submitted to the Beeb I get automated responses OK. So now WTF?

Now that you're off the blacklist Dan do you think that....

Nah it couldn't be could it?

:( :( :(

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