Jane P
Thursday 2nd July 2009 1:12am
1,071 posts
Spoiler alert***
Just got back from this week's recordings.
Big congrats to Griff - yes they recorded yours and Lewis did an excellent job with it I thought.
I'm only admitting to going this time as I wasn't alone so the others can answer questions too!
Apologies to Swertyd for elbowing him when they recorded one of my vox pops
More apologies to Swertyd for elbowing him when the next vox pop they recorded was his! And well done to Badge who was out of elbowing reach when his Vox Pop was recorded.
Also in attendance was Mr Renegade Carpark who can't really complain that they didn't use his as he didn't send any. Get writing this week - no excuses!
Sorry this is so late but they had to keep retaking Swertyd's one - thought we were never getting out.
And if you're wondering on the MJ count (the singer) there were no sketches but the first round of Vox Pops were dedicated to him.
Plus the phrase NewsJacko was used although that may have been in the informal bit.
Well done again to everyone with one liners and bigger well dones to those with actual sketches!