Let's play Hamlet
A packed theatre before curtain up. Two middle aged female theatre goers are chatting.
Lady 1 : I just love the Royal Shakespeare Company's productions.
Lady 2 : Heaven! The casting is absolutely inspired on this interpretation.
Lady 1 : Oh Mavis, I simply couldn't agree more.
Lady 2 : I mean they could have gone for the obvious, Patrick Stewart or Ian McKellen but no they really thought out of the box with this one.
Lady 1 : He has just wonderful stage presence, don't you think?
Lady 2 : A born showman, Gertie. He just commands the stage.
Lady 1 : I don't normally lower myself to watching the soaps. But I must confess I did tune in for his special appearance on Corrie.
Lady 2 : He bought a whole new energy to the show didn't he?
Lady 1 : This performance is just going to be magical.
Lights go down and a hush descends on theatre.
Announcer : ARE YOU READY?
Loud cheers from the theatre goers. The ladies are stood up with pints of lager in their hands.
Announcer : ( The whole theatre including the two ladies chant with him ) LET'S PLAY HAMLET!
Phil "The Power" Taylor walks on stage in his darts playing top, skull in hand and stands ready to deliver speech.