Write gag/pun to this pic for Greeting Card No 29
I asked if they had anything to make me more attractive, and they just gave me this blindfold.

Well you said you were extral large!

Jim hated Christmas jumpers, but this Valentine's jumper was taking the biscuit
This jumper was obviously meant for a pervert as the sleeves were stitched into the crotch
The vicar hated hippies with a passion, as they had made him wear a robe of leaves while he gave a spatula the last rites

Quote: random @ February 13 2009, 1:38 PM GMTPic No29
Ladies and gentlemen, please enjoy the musical stylings of Baggy Sweater and the Cankles from Hell!
It's the age old question. What do you buy for the girl who eats everything.
As useful as Wrapping paper is, it doesn't make a good birthday present.
So what if I've got an Cronenberg Hand-gun thing happening, and you're slowly turning into a turtle. At least buying a rag off the floor still only costs 1.50!
When you wear one of our sweaters you can take pride that all the pubic hair trim is grown domestically.
She asked him if she looked like anyone famous. He thought it would be ill advised to say that she looked like the guard that wept when the Rancor monster died.
Could you put this through the washer for me love, I know I might lose the colour but at least it will fit.
Let me guess - It's another bloody stingray.
Blimey Ken, its about time you changed your butcher.

You really need to get one of these lap bands love!
Due to the credit crunch, Aladdin had to make do with a smaller magic carpet...Brenda wasn't happy...
How to have a cut price Christmas 2009...dress up as a tree and wrap imaginary gifts.
DEREK: Yeh looks great love, really goes with that rash on your arse...
Spongebob's sudden collapse from measles took everyone by surprise...