British Comedy Guide

Cabinet Snow Fun

Gordon Brown and an aide are alone in his office. The aide is holding a telephone.

Aide : Gordon, It's Alistair Darling's mum on the phone. She wants to speak to you.

Gordon : Oh God what now? Is she going to go on about me bullying him about his eyebrows again?

Aide : No I don't think so.

Gordon picks up phone

Gordon : Hello Mrs Darling.......what? Alistair can't come into work today. ....right. He's snowed in. ...I see...okay thanks for letting me know.

Gordon puts down phone.

Gordon : Hang on a minute.

Aide : What?

Gordon : How the f**k can he be snowed in? He lives above his bloody office for god's sake.

Loud bang at window. Gordon leaps under desk.

Gordon : What the hell was that?

Aide : Snowball Sir.

Gordon crawls out from under desk.

Gordon : I thought old Obama had finally got me.

Aide : Osama Sir.

Gordon : Osama?

Aide: You said Obama, I think you meant Osama.

Gordon : (looking confused) No.

Aide :Looks even more confused) right.

Gordon: Who is it out there chucking snowballs?

Aide looks out of the window.

Aide : Seems to be Mr Darling sir.

Gordon : The skiving little bastard. Doesn't he know what a bad example this is setting?

Sounds of whopping and general merry making.

Gordon : Who the hell else is out there?

Aide : Harriet, Jacqui, Alan Johnson, Jack straw, most of the cabinet sir.

Gordon : The bastards. They never invite me to play.

Gordon walks over the window and shakes head.

Aide : How sweet! Peter Mandleson is making a snow angel.

Gordon : I bet it's more like a fairy.

Aide : Look the Milliband boys have made a snowman.

Gordon : It's not very good is it? Mishapen and bent.

Aide : It looks like a bit like a snow cock.

Gordon ; Yeap your right. They've f**king well made a giant snow penis in bloody Downing Street.

Aide : Bless them. They're giving it a name by putting a sign on it.

Gordon : I haven't got my glasses. What does it say?

Aide : Ah....Well.

Gordon looks crestfallen as clearly the sign says Gordon.

Gordon : C**ts. Soon put a stop to this. Get me a f**king hairdryer!

Good sketch very strong idea and some good gags. But can you make it stage firendly for NR/TS also the Osama/Obama is a distraction (and a bit old). N.B. might be funnier if Gordy melted the snow by pissing on it.

Yeap your right about the obama bit.

I've changed that to "I thought Tony's hitman had finally got me"

and then cracked on.

As always a really nice central idea. In this case it feels a bit busy to me and could do with paring down a bit.

It's good but I agree about the busy bit. There's too much:
Aide: And another thing...
Gordon: blah
Aide: And another thing...
Gordon: blah
Aide: And another thing...

if that makes sense, effectively listing just different MPs. Maybe you should concentrate on one of them like when you started and then you can get to the punchline quicker.


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