British Comedy Guide

The Lost thread. Page 14


Enjoyed the Across the Sea episode.
Very much looking forward to the final run in.

My prediction for the ending:

It will make perfect sense while you're watching it. You'll think "Yes! Now I understand everything!"

Half an hour later you'll realise it makes no sense at all and you'll feel extremely short-changed.

Can someone tell me the ending on PM when it happens. I have only wacthed a couple of the first series, so I only care enough to not feel left out when it all comes out it was a dream.

5am 24th May if anyone wants to watch it as the U.S. do.

Quote: Nil Putters @ May 20 2010, 5:30 PM BST

5am 24th May if anyone wants to watch it as the U.S. do.

That's 2 hours after it airs in the eastern part of the U.S., so you may want to avoid the Internet if you don't want the ending to be spoiled.

We're having a huge party for the last episode. I can't wait!

Its the only TV show I actually follow week by week. I just hope the ending justifies sticking with it for this long. The penultimate episode is on tonight on RTE 2. Cant wait!

Quote: AndreaLynne @ May 20 2010, 6:03 PM BST

We're having a huge party for the last episode. I can't wait!

No party planned, but Saturday afternoon my friends are having a crawfish boil for the neighborhood. 150 pounds of live crawfish and a smorgasbord of barbecued brisket, scallops and lots and lots of beer. It's going to be a great shindig.

Does that mean there's just two episodes to go
Or maybe 1 & a two parter?

Quote: Steve Sunshine @ May 20 2010, 8:43 PM BST

Does that mean there's just two episodes to go
Or maybe 1 & a two parter?

An episode aired here on Tuesday night and the finale will be Sunday back-to-back episodes totaling 2.5 hours. I think there's a 2-hour recap that will air prior to the finale.

One more single episode for us Brits this Friday. (tomorrow)
Then the finale next week.
(unless you watch the simulcast)

Quote: DaButt @ May 20 2010, 8:53 PM BST

An episode aired here on Tuesday night and the finale will be Sunday back-to-back episodes totaling 2.5 hours. I think there's a 2-hour recap that will air prior to the finale.

I don't want a recap, I've only just managed to forget all the things that I didn't understand in the first place.

I am very tempted to get up at 5 am on Monday morning.

In the event I'll probably record it and spend the day trying not to hear anything about it so I can watch it as soon as I get home from work.

I'll be doing the same.

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