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Bushbama Page 10

They probably don't say they would happily shoot a Down Syndrome kid or a homeless guy if they dared set foot inside their sacred personal property though.


(Don't hurt me.)

Quote: DaButt @ January 28 2009, 2:21 PM GMT

I'm not at all right-wing or conservative. More of a centrist, if anything, but mostly I'm realistic.

Most of my friends are uber-liberal and the majority of them own guns.

I take it back. You're a big centrist bear with lots of uber-liberal friends we all prod with sticks and throw stones at.

Quote: zooo @ January 28 2009, 2:24 PM GMT

They probably don't say they would happily shoot a Down Syndrome kid or a homeless guy if they dared set foot inside their sacred personal property though.

Yeah they do. Liberal in America is equivalent to National Front here.

Hmm the shrill bullying voice of the liberal left. Might I reccomend to you all the fine book "Whats left?" by Nick Cohen.

The firearms laws in the UK are predominantly a response to the IRA, not a generous liberal democracy.

Quote: DaButt @ January 28 2009, 2:21 PM GMT

I'm not at all right-wing or conservative. More of a centrist, if anything, but mostly I'm realistic.

Listen I like you and all DaButt but you are in no way centrist no matter what you want to tell yourself. It's written all over your posts.
You might not be at the far far far right but you are definitely right minded.
In addition anyone who could have voted for Bush twice in a row and then argue this hard against Obama.

Quote: zooo @ January 28 2009, 2:24 PM GMT

They probably don't say they would happily shoot a Down Syndrome kid or a homeless guy if they dared set foot inside their sacred personal property though.

I never said I would be happy about shooting anyone. I also said that a disabled kid had entered my home and all I did was help him. And if Mr. Homeless Guy smashes his way into my home in the middle of the night he'll get what he deserves - and what he knew he was risking.

Have to say, I'm with DaButt on the Home Invasion front. Anybody breaks into my house, it's stab first, ask questions later.

Obama's not that left wing, he's closing Guantanomo but not letting the prisoners go (innocent till proven guilty?), missiling houses in Pakistan and made no real promises about healthcare.

Perhaps we weedy lefty europeans don't realise how weedy and lefty we are?

Quote: DaButt @ January 28 2009, 2:28 PM GMT

I never said I would be happy about shooting anyone. I also said that a disabled kid had entered my home and all I did was help him.

True, it was just the merry 'Bang' bits of your post while talking about taking a human life that seemed a bit off.

I'm not having a go about the rest of it though. We live in very different countries.

Quote: DaButt @ January 28 2009, 2:28 PM GMT

And if Mr. Homeless Guy smashes his way into my home in the middle of the night he'll get what he deserves - and what he knew he was risking.

What if he was homeless and mentally challenged? What if he didn't know where he was? What if he was my mad uncle making one of his demented midnight sojourns? What if he was sleepwalking?

Quote: David Bussell @ January 28 2009, 2:34 PM GMT

What if he was sleepwalking?

It's asking a lot for a sleepwalker to get up, leave his own house, traverse a road or street, find DaButt's, and then break in.

Quote: David Bussell @ January 28 2009, 2:34 PM GMT

What if he was homeless and mentally challenged? What if he didn't know where he was? What if he was my mad uncle making one of his demented midnight sojourns? What if he was sleepwalking?

Life is unfair and tough, if you sleep walk lock your front door. And I am sick and tired of mental challenge being offered as an excuse.
The world is full of mentally ill and learning disabled people who are law abiding. A few who break the law a tiny number who break the law with out understanding the circumstances. There is a glut of theiving violent bastards who pretend to by ADHD, autistic, schizophrenic what ever.

Most criminals know and understand what they are doing.

Quote: sootyj @ January 28 2009, 2:28 PM GMT

Hmm the shrill bullying voice of the liberal left. Might I reccomend to you all the fine book "Whats left?" by Nick Cohen.

The firearms laws in the UK are predominantly a response to the IRA, not a generous liberal democracy.

I'm left confused by some of your posts on this, you keep sounding like you think weaopns for the public are a good idea!

I do, a mature society can accept citizens equipped to manage their own defence.
Is that such an odd idea?
You just think that means machine guns at Morrisons and shotguns at Sainsbury. It doesn't.
Our current attitude towards violent crime is a mugger and burglars charter.

Quote: Curt @ January 28 2009, 2:28 PM GMT

Listen I like you and all DaButt but you are in no way centrist no matter what you want to tell yourself. It's written all over your posts.
You might not be at the far far far right but you are definitely right minded.
In addition anyone who could have voted for Bush twice in a row and then argue this hard against Obama.

Read my posts without filtering them through your own prejudices. My entire point about Obama is that he's been undeservedly anointed as some sort of mythical figure and I'll I've done is point out that he's a politician and will likely disappoint his most ardent supporters.

My whole point about Bush was that the manufactured level of partisan attacks was so great that his actual shortcomings were hidden amid the din. Don't you find it ironic that a thundering roar of anti-Bush tirades was acceptable, yet a couple of "Obama is just another in a long series of politicians" posts have your panties in a bunch?

All I want to do is to present a point of view from a rational perspective as well as debunking a few myths and untruths. Just last night someone was lamenting all the crazy gun owners and their machine guns and I think I enlightened them by pointing out that automatic weapons have been illegal for 75 years.

BTW, the last one of those political compass tests I took showed me as a libertarian leftist just a little to the right of Gandhi.

Quote: David Bussell @ January 28 2009, 2:34 PM GMT

What if he was homeless and mentally challenged? What if he didn't know where he was? What if he was my mad uncle making one of his demented midnight sojourns? What if he was sleepwalking?

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Quote: Curt @ January 28 2009, 2:28 PM GMT

Listen I like you and all DaButt but you are in no way centrist no matter what you want to tell yourself. It's written all over your posts.
You might not be at the far far far right but you are definitely right minded.
In addition anyone who could have voted for Bush twice in a row and then argue this hard against Obama.

Whistling nnocently

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