British Comedy Guide

Job's Comforter 1

A running-character sketch.
Hope you like.

She could also offer to go sharpen the knife!

Neat idea, thanks. :)

Nice one, well performed.

Very good. Lean and funny.

Well acted, nice.

'eartless keahhhhw!

Mine's like that too. They don't understand us do they?

Yeah good one Slaggs

Nice one Slaggers!

Cheers guys, for this one we did have a professional actress. She delivered her lines effortlessly, first time, and she taught us to speak and do actions at the same time - not easy if you're Welsh and a male.

Quote: SlagA @ January 27 2009, 9:29 PM GMT

and she taught us to speak and do actions at the same time - not easy if you're Welsh and a male.

There's lovely isn't it, wasn't it, doesn't it? Tidy it was look you all.

Errr Errr

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